(with thanks to minerva hoyt)
follow winding ancient trails first blazed by
the cattlemen and the gold miners and the homesteaders
and before that pinto culture and serrano
and before that chemehuevi and cahuillaIn
lost horse valley
skull rock
stirrup tank
monocotyledonous trees as far as eyes can see
twisted little san bernadino’s
masking san andreas fault beyond
along pinto basin road
and drop below 3,000 feet
for change of eco-system
mojave becomes colorado
grasslands give way to drier climes
abundant creosote bush
jumping chollo cactus
spidery jacob's staff
and on on towards imposing hexie mountains
leave no trace
keep wildlife wild
$1000 fine for littering
hang a right onto interstate 10
and allow sonny bono memorial highway
to lead the way home again
out through san gorgonio pass
where sea of wind-turbines loom large
like that phalanx of wooden crosses
which once stood in silent judgement atop hill at golgotha