There are two kinds of silence in this world.
And no-one knew that better than Harold Pinter.
Beckett may have started it, but it was
Pinter who made the pregnant pause his own.
‘The Homecoming’ contains 224 of them.
‘The Caretaker’, by comparison, a mere 149.
I don’t owe it all to this son of a Jewish tailor,
but I certainly owe him a lion’s share.
I saw him that once in the flesh; leaving his seat
following the posthumous premiere
of my friend’s suicide-note of a stageplay.
He was taller than I’d pictured him.
With a stature befitting of a Nobel laureate.
The black cells were in his gullet even then;
steadily multiplying, though not yet diagnosed.
How I wish now that I'd asked to shake his hand.
Afterall, in the end it’s all about the ferret
under the cocktail cabinet. Or is it a weasel?
Blackout. Curtain. Applause.
Harold Pinter: official website
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Fishing for Phishers

There's only one thing worse than spam and that's thieving-bastard spam. But what are we going to do about it? Cry man-tears into our Shredded Wheat? that what The Fonz would do? Of course not! The Fonz would play Fishing For Phishers and beat them at their own game. Simply create a fake account with a comedy name and start replying to their messages
Here's one we did earlier: -
Hello!! From Microsoft Award Team 2008!!! Congratulations!!!
We are Happy to inform you that your E-mail Account has won
you $1,000,000.00 (One Million Dollars)...
... blah blah blah etc ...
Please contact the claims director below for further details:
NAME: MR David Moore
Head, Winning Claims Dept.
Henry Charles-Winkler
to agentdavid2007
show details 22 Dec (1 day ago)
Dear David,
I received an email from your company a few weeks ago and firstly i must apologise as i have been unable to reply of late as i have been quite ill. I am pleased to hear from you as not many people contact me any more. Anyway i wanted to tell you that i must decline your very kind offer of 1 million dollars, you see i am an old man with no relatives and i simply wouldn't know what to do with it. I already have over £810,000 just sitting in the bank and no grand children to give it to. I have no use for money these days and prefer the simpler things in life such as conversation with a good friend. I hope we can be friends.
Yours sincerely,
Henry Winkler II
Mr David Moore
to me
show details 14:56 (20 hours ago)
Dear Henry Charles-Winkler,
I am very happy hearing from you. Thank God you are out of hospital now. How are you doing and how is health right now? Hope it is improving?
I am glad to have you as a friend. I will personally ensure that your $1,000,000.00 is donated to chearity organizations here and I will let you know once it is cleared by the organisation.
I will like to know more about you. I will like to always communicate with you and if you can give me your address, I will try as much as possible to visit you within the xmas vacation just to say hello.
I will be waiting to hear from you my good friend.
If there is anything I can do for you, do not hesitate to contact me.
I will also appreciate if you can send your phone number so that I can give you a call while I am less busy.
Happy Xmas and a prosperous new year celebration.
Henry Charles-Winkler
to agentdavid2007
show details 22 Dec (3 hours ago)
Ehhhhhhhhhhh sit on it!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Success With Daytrana Patches?
mobilization continues
We invite consumers from buying from producers at market:
If you wish to participate as a volunteer at this new action, or just have information on the process, please contact us
Any ideas to improve advocacy are also welcome.
SEED GUYANA 05 94 38 31 50
CCCL-05 94 28 90 56
The action has prevented the use of 711 plastic bags between 6 am and 13 pm Many consumers have come to participate in the "counting" by coming to the basket to open their booth. it was an opportunity to exchange rich. The producers also played the game by offering to put products in bulk bags or basket. * Published December 22, 2008 *
action renews and strengthens Saturday, December 20
market producers Cayenne
to continue to educate producers and consumers on the importance of changing habits consumption by adopting sustainable reflexes.
market producers Cayenne
to continue to educate producers and consumers on the importance of changing habits consumption by adopting sustainable reflexes.
- Make their shopping bags or reusable bags on the market (do not forget it in the car ..)
- Try to put products in bulk are not fragile in their basket
- use less disposable plastic bags (" disposable plastic bag that can offer me is it really necessary? ")
- Support and encourage producers participating in this civic approach.
If you wish to participate as a volunteer at this new action, or just have information on the process, please contact us
Any ideas to improve advocacy are also welcome.
SEED GUYANA 05 94 38 31 50
CCCL-05 94 28 90 56
The action has prevented the use of 711 plastic bags between 6 am and 13 pm Many consumers have come to participate in the "counting" by coming to the basket to open their booth. it was an opportunity to exchange rich. The producers also played the game by offering to put products in bulk bags or basket. * Published December 22, 2008 *
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
My Own Private Guernica
Snow falls upon the Sierra de Guadarrama.
Shadows lengthen in the afternoon sun.
I could have gone to see Picasso’s ‘Guernica’ today,
but I just can’t face that capacious canvas right now.
I’m not really in the mood for abstracted strategic bombing.
I feel shot-thru with enough symbolic shrapnel as it is.
Instead I’m stood here, watching the street-walkers on the corner.
Counting the number of imported cigarettes smoked.
Counting the number of tricks turned.
The bull is just a bull. The dying horse is just a dying horse.
The inverted hidden harlequins are just inverted hidden harlequins.
I could have gone to see ‘The Garden Of Earthly Delights’ triptych.
Or ‘The Black Goyas’ (painted at home by a half-mad old deaf man),
but best I stay right here, partly hidden by the heavy curtains.
Collecting dust on my eyeballs. Slowly bleeding out.
A lemming on a clifftop.
A kitten in a gunny-sack.
I open the sallyport and close
the first door firmly behind me.
My white flag is unfurling.
I can feel my toes beginning to curl under.
Pablo Picasso's 'Guernica'
Shadows lengthen in the afternoon sun.
I could have gone to see Picasso’s ‘Guernica’ today,
but I just can’t face that capacious canvas right now.
I’m not really in the mood for abstracted strategic bombing.
I feel shot-thru with enough symbolic shrapnel as it is.
Instead I’m stood here, watching the street-walkers on the corner.
Counting the number of imported cigarettes smoked.
Counting the number of tricks turned.
The bull is just a bull. The dying horse is just a dying horse.
The inverted hidden harlequins are just inverted hidden harlequins.
I could have gone to see ‘The Garden Of Earthly Delights’ triptych.
Or ‘The Black Goyas’ (painted at home by a half-mad old deaf man),
but best I stay right here, partly hidden by the heavy curtains.
Collecting dust on my eyeballs. Slowly bleeding out.
A lemming on a clifftop.
A kitten in a gunny-sack.
I open the sallyport and close
the first door firmly behind me.
My white flag is unfurling.
I can feel my toes beginning to curl under.
Pablo Picasso's 'Guernica'
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Penis Stone vs Vagine (Results: Week 1)
Penis Stone- 13,475 views
Vagine- 8,309 views
So far Penis Stone seems to be taking an early lead, the photo of Kieron in particular seems to be pretty big with flickr's gay community (I'm comfortable with that - Kier) recieving a whopping 8593 hits on its own.
There's not much in it at this early stage though.
Vagine- 8,309 views
So far Penis Stone seems to be taking an early lead, the photo of Kieron in particular seems to be pretty big with flickr's gay community (I'm comfortable with that - Kier) recieving a whopping 8593 hits on its own.
There's not much in it at this early stage though.
no idea...
well, just came back from dinner. nothing to do now, i think lol. anyway glad to have everyone from aussie came back to tanah tumpahnya darah mu XD. jean, cheah and also mei pei. sorry to mei pei that im yet to meet you even though you are the 1st i to touch down here.
anyway we shall meet during xmas party next week.
oh ya, congrats for those who got him/herself a gf/bf

im still single, so lonely, so cold...
nah, just kidding la. i dont really mind. got mai sapu lo, dont have mai dont have lo

i think i have to start shopping for xmas present. btw jean whats the minimun price for the present. i know even you set the price also some of them wont follow.
you know who you are
looking forward to meet u guys next week! dont FFK!

anyway we shall meet during xmas party next week.
oh ya, congrats for those who got him/herself a gf/bf

im still single, so lonely, so cold...

nah, just kidding la. i dont really mind. got mai sapu lo, dont have mai dont have lo

i think i have to start shopping for xmas present. btw jean whats the minimun price for the present. i know even you set the price also some of them wont follow.

looking forward to meet u guys next week! dont FFK!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Stash The Gash
Tis the season of the office party (hurrah!)
so in honour of this ritual humiliation, we've thought of a whole new way of disgracing yourself in front of the bosses.
Let's play 'Stash The Gash'.
The rules are simple:-
1. Take one smutty magazine.
2. Cut out several vaginas.
3. Divide them evenly amongst a small group of the most childish people you know.
4. Stash them upon the person of as many unsuspecting colleagues as you can
(without them noticing).
5. Bonus points are awarded for stashes upon senior company figures.
...and that is Stash The Gash folks. Game on.
so in honour of this ritual humiliation, we've thought of a whole new way of disgracing yourself in front of the bosses.
Let's play 'Stash The Gash'.
The rules are simple:-
1. Take one smutty magazine.
2. Cut out several vaginas.
3. Divide them evenly amongst a small group of the most childish people you know.
4. Stash them upon the person of as many unsuspecting colleagues as you can
(without them noticing).
5. Bonus points are awarded for stashes upon senior company figures.
...and that is Stash The Gash folks. Game on.

Penis Stone vs Vagine (a social study)
Which flickr group do you think will receive more hits?
Penis Stone: A stone that looks like a penis:

Vagine: A mouth that looks like a vagina:

let the internets decide.
Penis Stone: A stone that looks like a penis:

Vagine: A mouth that looks like a vagina:

let the internets decide.
what goes UP must come down
wassup people, just had a busy week. not just busy bout study but also duty. yup RC duty for the Bukit Antarabangsa land slide case.
1st day, we went the S.K Ulu Kelang at 10pm to "guard" those raw food sponsored by "ah ping ko ping ko" ppl =.= 4am boil water! boil eggsssSSS

supper time!
6am, received call that scene site base short of man power, @.@ have to O.T, it started to rain by the time we went up to the Bkt Antarabangsa

is that your car?!?!!?
1st task we received - throw rubbish =.=
2nd task - call up tnb for electric supply for out base station
3rd task - carry stuff, for eg - lemang, packed food, n more food!
those packed food........ all went into alam flora's truck. you know why. alot companies were sponsoring food for eg -Mcd, Concorde hotel etc etc. if you were there, will you still be sitting there eating white rice with vege and curry chicken??
the last thing we did was helping the neighgourhood carry thier luggage to their car out side the area. it was fun until the last couple we were trying to help. we dont know where they stay until we reached the condo on top of the hill ><

while waiting for the couple to pack their stuff
few days later, went back to the school again for mass cooking....

me n my banana XD
hopefully bkt antarabangsa can start rebuilding in the nearest time, and also hope that there wont be another land slide case like this happen again.
1st day, we went the S.K Ulu Kelang at 10pm to "guard" those raw food sponsored by "ah ping ko ping ko" ppl =.= 4am boil water! boil eggsssSSS

supper time!
6am, received call that scene site base short of man power, @.@ have to O.T, it started to rain by the time we went up to the Bkt Antarabangsa

is that your car?!?!!?
1st task we received - throw rubbish =.=
2nd task - call up tnb for electric supply for out base station
3rd task - carry stuff, for eg - lemang, packed food, n more food!
those packed food........ all went into alam flora's truck. you know why. alot companies were sponsoring food for eg -Mcd, Concorde hotel etc etc. if you were there, will you still be sitting there eating white rice with vege and curry chicken??
the last thing we did was helping the neighgourhood carry thier luggage to their car out side the area. it was fun until the last couple we were trying to help. we dont know where they stay until we reached the condo on top of the hill ><


while waiting for the couple to pack their stuff
few days later, went back to the school again for mass cooking....

me n my banana XD
hopefully bkt antarabangsa can start rebuilding in the nearest time, and also hope that there wont be another land slide case like this happen again.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Nighthawk Carbon Monoxide Detector Manual
exchanging knowledge
You know how to speak French, you dream of learning English, or maybe the kitchen to make kites, it's time you interest in exchanging knowledge.
More information by calling the PREFOB: 0594 38 19 06 / 06 94 28
April 14
You know how to speak French, you dream of learning English, or maybe the kitchen to make kites, it's time you interest in exchanging knowledge.

More information by calling the PREFOB: 0594 38 19 06 / 06 94 28
April 14
Take Me Back To Medicine Tail Coulee
“Nutskaveho!" came the cry on
that hot summer's afternoon. "Nutskaveho".
"The Bluecoats are coming! They are coming!"
And the Hunkpapa, they spoke the truth,
for there were indeed plenty of pony-soldiers,
and I could clearly hear the music of their bugles.
The fighting men of the Sioux swarmed
at the Bluecoats like bees from a hive,
and very soon the smoke
of the shooting and the dust
from the many horse's hooves
began to somewhat cloud my view of the hillside.
The white Starchief was dressed finely,
in buckskin, coat and pants, and was
kneeling down with his hands resting in the dirt.
His hair was long and loose, and somewhat
like the color of the grass when the frost first comes.
He had been shot through the side, and there was
blood trickling from the corner of his open mouth.
He seemed to be watching the red figures
as they moved slowly all around him.
Then the Indians closed in, and I did not see any more.
The old men say that only the Earth and the Sky last forever.
They spoke truly. They are right.

Trailer for the stageplay 'Yellow Longhair' (2000)
that hot summer's afternoon. "Nutskaveho".
"The Bluecoats are coming! They are coming!"
And the Hunkpapa, they spoke the truth,
for there were indeed plenty of pony-soldiers,
and I could clearly hear the music of their bugles.
The fighting men of the Sioux swarmed
at the Bluecoats like bees from a hive,
and very soon the smoke
of the shooting and the dust
from the many horse's hooves
began to somewhat cloud my view of the hillside.
The white Starchief was dressed finely,
in buckskin, coat and pants, and was
kneeling down with his hands resting in the dirt.
His hair was long and loose, and somewhat
like the color of the grass when the frost first comes.
He had been shot through the side, and there was
blood trickling from the corner of his open mouth.
He seemed to be watching the red figures
as they moved slowly all around him.
Then the Indians closed in, and I did not see any more.
The old men say that only the Earth and the Sky last forever.
They spoke truly. They are right.

Trailer for the stageplay 'Yellow Longhair' (2000)
Saturday, December 6, 2008
TaDa~ ("\(^o^)/")
hoo~ im back! sorry for m.i.a for quite some time
lazy to update (busy playing) + busy during weekends = no update
see, 1 post already so fast lol

lazy to update (busy playing) + busy during weekends = no update
see, 1 post already so fast lol

Friday, December 5, 2008
Boots Leather Mistress
Games Wooden
Not sure yet what to put under the tree for your little nephew?
A nice wooden toy Guyana crafted by expert hands (or learning), it would be nice?
Come help Santa and meet Magali and Jean Pierre WORKSHOP INERY
It Sunday, December 7 from 10am to carbet grain.
Open to all and free.
As always remember to ask around and sign up.
Not sure yet what to put under the tree for your little nephew?
A nice wooden toy Guyana crafted by expert hands (or learning), it would be nice?
Come help Santa and meet Magali and Jean Pierre WORKSHOP INERY
It Sunday, December 7 from 10am to carbet grain.
Open to all and free.
As always remember to ask around and sign up.
Monday, December 1, 2008
In times of scholastic strife and agony, when I'm on the verge of starting a bonfire in the periodicals (and then ripping out my hair so that I can make it smell worse), I find myself asking myself what Jesus what do...

Except not really because that guy didn't even have his GED.
So I find myself asking myself what Hilary would do, and inevitably hear that guy going "Do you even KNOW who my FATHER is?!"
And I'm all "Where the heck are you, your voice is everywhere, are you a ventriloquist or something??"
Which buys me some time while he goes ask his daddy what ventriloquist means, and I get on with it.
More often than not, my sister Hilary would listen to Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers sing Islands in the Stream.
And so, if you're worried about school or your hamster has a cold or your cousin Vinny broke his hip, you might feel better if you listened to Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers sing Islands in the Stream.
Also, my supercool friend Ayan recently told me that it wasn't until relatively recently that she realized Dolly had implants.
Well she's probably known for at LEAST a decade, but it took here awhile to accept it...
So here's Ayan looking supercute!

Well, if you can't stand to listen to Dolly and Kenny more than once, and you're still a little worried about something, then you should do what I've been doing after Islands in the Stream is over, which is Listen to Fleetwood Mac.

Except not really because that guy didn't even have his GED.
So I find myself asking myself what Hilary would do, and inevitably hear that guy going "Do you even KNOW who my FATHER is?!"
And I'm all "Where the heck are you, your voice is everywhere, are you a ventriloquist or something??"
Which buys me some time while he goes ask his daddy what ventriloquist means, and I get on with it.
More often than not, my sister Hilary would listen to Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers sing Islands in the Stream.
And so, if you're worried about school or your hamster has a cold or your cousin Vinny broke his hip, you might feel better if you listened to Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers sing Islands in the Stream.
Also, my supercool friend Ayan recently told me that it wasn't until relatively recently that she realized Dolly had implants.
Well she's probably known for at LEAST a decade, but it took here awhile to accept it...
So here's Ayan looking supercute!

Well, if you can't stand to listen to Dolly and Kenny more than once, and you're still a little worried about something, then you should do what I've been doing after Islands in the Stream is over, which is Listen to Fleetwood Mac.
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