I saw an 11 year-old private school kid on the bus last week with a backpack twice his weight and thrice his width on his back. And I wanted to say "Hey little buddy, I know how you feel..."

Why did I just hear that in a Mitch Hedberg voice?? Weird.

If I don't hurry up, he might finish university before I do.

Anyway, I used to have some Adidas Gazelles, right??

It seems like they're hard to find, at least in my size. (Six.) And there are some weird new ones that say Gazelle but aren't the same as the ones I had in '95. There are some stupid ones that are shiny leather and not suede. Maybe they always existed but who cares, they're uncool. My old roommate Darcy Cooke has some new Gazelles that say Gazelle SKATEBOARD and I wasn't that pleased when he pulled up the cuff of his pants to show me...
My steady tells me on his recent NYC ventures, he went to TWO Adidas warehouses and still no luck! What a catch, but he better get me some by 2009...
I remember knowing very well that Gazelles were cool and Campuses were lesser than.

"POSERS" wore Campuses. And I was the real deal?? Shit, who knows?!
Maybe because Campuses had negative college-bound connotations, who knows...
Either way, Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness was my jams.

One time, when I was in grade 6 and people a year older than me who hadn't failed a grade were in grade 7, this girl in grade 7 loved my Gazelles so much that she was like "OH MY GOD, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LET ME BORROW THEM FRIDAY! I HAVE A DATE WITH A HOT GUY FRIDAY! PLEASE!" I let her borrow them. 5 years later she was a lesbian.
I'm not putting anyone down here, I'm just saying. When I heard she'd come out, I immediately thought of when I lent her my shoes for her hot date.
So...my sneakers I wear every other day are my blue suede with yellow stripe North Stars. I got them at Athlete's World for 20 bones about a year and a half ago, and I guess they were some dying out re-issue because I want some more and they are super hard to find.
My North Stars are basically a cross between the Gazelle and the Onitsuka Tiger.

My steady only wears the Saucony Jazz.

Except for this one time he worse these brown leather boat shoes he bought for his mom's retirement party at his mom's retirement party.
It was funny, this one time, we went to have lunch with my sister's roommate Lindsay Rogers and our friend Mansa right after Lindsay Rogers saw Richard Gere on the street??
And Lindsay Rogers was like (to Devin), "Oh cool, they're like platforms!" in regards to his sneakers. There's the low-pro and then there's the just regular ones. And they make you taller, yes, it's true, Lindsay Rogers.
Devin and his ex-girl lost their Saucony Jazz virginity to one another. Or rather, at the same time I guess. They got it(s) for cheap and I think I just found a picture of them whilst googleimaging!

Anyways, I guess this means that when Devin gets back from his tour this week, I don't have to do anything especially annoying like shave my legs!


Wait, wait, this one's the best.

Oh hey there little guy... Am I right?!
Oh good LORD! Just LOOK at this wittle PANDA!

I dedicate that there baby panda to Mike Chiu, lover of all things cute.
I have to go write an essay now. I'm tired just thinking about it!
But probably not as tired as Scott Speedman gets from running through my mind throughout 92% oh my daydreams...