A motorway is a very strong wind.
A zombie is a small yellow flower.
Whilst a harpoon, as we all know, is a dangerous weapon.
Much like a VCR. In the wrong hands.
A pussy is a switch for turning off lights.
And a telephone looks a lot like a salt cellar.
Every family is a little dysfunctional. Let’s be honest here.
And most live their lives in glass hothouses.
Though most would hate to admit it.
So, where’s the harm in a few white lies? We’ve all done it.
And, in this day and age, if a middle-class father
wants to keep his 3 adult children safe from the
pernicious influences of the outside world,
by turning the family-home into
a fenced-off hilltop compound,
then who can blame him?
Now on your knees, and bark like a dog.
One day you’ll thank me for all this.
Trailer for Yorgos Lanthimos's film 'Dogtooth'
Friday, April 30, 2010
Thing of the week is.........

MASHMELLOWS!!!! YEAH!!!!! marchmellows are super cool and yummy. There a food whicht is white and stinky. But it is so good. YOu can roast them over a fire and eat them. Those are really good. When i sleep over Julia and carmels house we roast mashmellows. Also with marchmellows you can make smores. My favorite :). Smores are deloise. Its mashmellow choclate and grandcracker all put toghter to make a sandwhicht. Lastly with mashmeelows you can wacht them exploed. Put them in the macrowave and wacht them raise and then if it is in there long anoth it will exploded. So even know machmellows are just a food, you can make lotz out of them :)
~Kentucky Oaks~

Well, What time is it? It's off to the Kentucky Oaks time this morning, of course....maybe hoping to see some celebs but mainly just have a great time! I decided not to wear my Amy Butler dress but just some black slacks....boring, I know! But looking at my legs they look horrible, so I decided against it. I will still have to show some photos of the dress on here though! Have a great Friday!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
"Welcome to the 21st century", texted my brother. Cool, I guess.
Bought my first 12 pack of Dr. Pepper in eons on Monday. So far so good. As you may know, I used to knock back at least 2 litres a day, along with 6 cups of coffee.
Did you know they now make tall cans of Dr. Pepper?? It's about time, you guys. You can find it at the Esso at Saint Laurent and Sherbrooke. But at Blockbuster it's 2 cans for 2 bones, which is sweet. Pepsi too, make a run for it.
Next biggie of the week is this.
As you may know, 2008 was the year of breaking my jaw twice and making all that early teen orthodontia go to waste, much like Justin Bieber's virginity. What do you mean, what does that even mean?? Underneath it all, I've looked like a meth addict (and NOT the Fergalicious kind...) for at least a year and a half and I'm bored the fuck out, yo.

That said, taking out my falsies is a pretty great party trick and also a decent way to figure out whether peeps are cool or lame.
A few weeks ago, I popped into Blue Dog on a Wednesday and the bartender who's there more often than not had broken one of his front tooth caps, revealing a slightly discoloured and more lonely looking tooth. He pointed it out to me right away, I guess because he felt less than pretty. I hadn't even noticed and couldn't have cared less. But since he was clearly insecure about it, I decided to whip off my falsies with my tongue and show him where the real shit's at. Like, "HEY, WHO CARES?! COULD BE WORSE!" He was grossed out in a superlame way which confirmed my suspicion that he's kind of a douche. I had an accident or two!! Hey buddy, I just engaged in a selfless act to save you from your vanity! Duh!!
One time at karaoke night when nothing was happening, the DJ played Dave Matthews Band's Crash, why, I do not know, but this guy felt the need to announce to me, "This song has helped me get laid at LEAST four times." BARF ON YOU, BUD. You're not even THAT goodlooking. And your all-over print sweatshirts really BLOW...

(Wish my luck in a vaguely Russian accent, thank you very much.)
Bought my first 12 pack of Dr. Pepper in eons on Monday. So far so good. As you may know, I used to knock back at least 2 litres a day, along with 6 cups of coffee.
Did you know they now make tall cans of Dr. Pepper?? It's about time, you guys. You can find it at the Esso at Saint Laurent and Sherbrooke. But at Blockbuster it's 2 cans for 2 bones, which is sweet. Pepsi too, make a run for it.
Next biggie of the week is this.
As you may know, 2008 was the year of breaking my jaw twice and making all that early teen orthodontia go to waste, much like Justin Bieber's virginity. What do you mean, what does that even mean?? Underneath it all, I've looked like a meth addict (and NOT the Fergalicious kind...) for at least a year and a half and I'm bored the fuck out, yo.
That said, taking out my falsies is a pretty great party trick and also a decent way to figure out whether peeps are cool or lame.
A few weeks ago, I popped into Blue Dog on a Wednesday and the bartender who's there more often than not had broken one of his front tooth caps, revealing a slightly discoloured and more lonely looking tooth. He pointed it out to me right away, I guess because he felt less than pretty. I hadn't even noticed and couldn't have cared less. But since he was clearly insecure about it, I decided to whip off my falsies with my tongue and show him where the real shit's at. Like, "HEY, WHO CARES?! COULD BE WORSE!" He was grossed out in a superlame way which confirmed my suspicion that he's kind of a douche. I had an accident or two!! Hey buddy, I just engaged in a selfless act to save you from your vanity! Duh!!
One time at karaoke night when nothing was happening, the DJ played Dave Matthews Band's Crash, why, I do not know, but this guy felt the need to announce to me, "This song has helped me get laid at LEAST four times." BARF ON YOU, BUD. You're not even THAT goodlooking. And your all-over print sweatshirts really BLOW...
(Wish my luck in a vaguely Russian accent, thank you very much.)
Find Your Pillow
wohoo~ presented my part 2 of the FYP. the respond from both supervisor and moderator was surprisingly good? o.O , i thought i will be dead this time because i failed to build the whole thing. 12 hours before presentation found out that the PCB boards made earlier were all wrong. during that time, i redo the whole PCB board in less than 2 hours. the fastest ever xD special thanks to Kok Boon and Irene for the help. without both of you im doomed.
next, its finals.... kinda lazy to start study now xD want to waste some time a little bit more for now.wee~
next, its finals.... kinda lazy to start study now xD want to waste some time a little bit more for now.wee~
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
As time goes by, I get scared of this shit. Like I'll forget how to go off on tangents and be terribly inconcise, which is apparently not a word. Since fucking when, I say.
This is a week of big deals. Yesterday, I activated the apparently "cheap-ass" cell phone my friend Nick gave me in September when he crossed over to the dark side, aka iPhoneville. I had to go to the Virgin Mobile clinic in the Eaton Centre, a very scary place.
The girl there told me that my V-card I bought at Esso wasn't working because after three months without putting money on the phone, the number goes kaput.
Honey treated me like I was from another planet. Which I am, but let's be frank, I look a lot like real people that are not aliens in disguise.
Perhaps you heard a couple of weeks ago that 40% of adults in China and India are onto us, in that they believe that aliens walk the earth disguised as humans.
The truth is out there.
See: Victoria Beckam.

Soanyway. I decided that not having a cell phone kind of harshes my game. When it comes to booty calls, it's like going to McGill and not taking Ritalin. Plus, I think I'll be a killer txt flrt. Seriously you guys, I used to be really good at MSN.
"Good start, Nicola."
Okay, current events... Guru passed away last week, which brought me back to straight kicking it with my dear friend Georgia in France in the summer of 2001. It was all about Jazzmatazz. Nectar from a Mason jar, 7 dollar dress. And Marlboro Lights. And hash. Them were the days, for sure. Now, let's take it back to the high school house party...
One of my favourite BBC Radio1 DJS, Gilles Peterson, made his show this past week a Guru tribute, which you can listen to here but only for the next 13 hours, so get on it.
I find Gilles Peterson generally throws down great foreplay music. I think if you grab a bottle of red and listen to his show from the beginning with one total fox, you'll probably score at least a steamy make-out sesh. So get flirting, team.
If it were at all possible, I would love to keep him in my back pocket to provide original soundtracks to get down to. I think this is a really great idea. A house DJ to provide a musical score for your sex life. Like a personal chef but way cooler. Rather than "I'm feeling bloated, lean fish and steamed vegetables, please" it would be like, "So tonight we're feeling taking some ecstacy and fucking on the pool table. Gilles, man, we trust you so just go with our pace, and if you could throw in a little Daft Punk, that would be great."
You dig??
More big deals to be shared shortly, thanks for coming.
This is a week of big deals. Yesterday, I activated the apparently "cheap-ass" cell phone my friend Nick gave me in September when he crossed over to the dark side, aka iPhoneville. I had to go to the Virgin Mobile clinic in the Eaton Centre, a very scary place.
The girl there told me that my V-card I bought at Esso wasn't working because after three months without putting money on the phone, the number goes kaput.
Honey treated me like I was from another planet. Which I am, but let's be frank, I look a lot like real people that are not aliens in disguise.
Perhaps you heard a couple of weeks ago that 40% of adults in China and India are onto us, in that they believe that aliens walk the earth disguised as humans.
The truth is out there.
See: Victoria Beckam.
Soanyway. I decided that not having a cell phone kind of harshes my game. When it comes to booty calls, it's like going to McGill and not taking Ritalin. Plus, I think I'll be a killer txt flrt. Seriously you guys, I used to be really good at MSN.
"Good start, Nicola."
Okay, current events... Guru passed away last week, which brought me back to straight kicking it with my dear friend Georgia in France in the summer of 2001. It was all about Jazzmatazz. Nectar from a Mason jar, 7 dollar dress. And Marlboro Lights. And hash. Them were the days, for sure. Now, let's take it back to the high school house party...
One of my favourite BBC Radio1 DJS, Gilles Peterson, made his show this past week a Guru tribute, which you can listen to here but only for the next 13 hours, so get on it.
I find Gilles Peterson generally throws down great foreplay music. I think if you grab a bottle of red and listen to his show from the beginning with one total fox, you'll probably score at least a steamy make-out sesh. So get flirting, team.
If it were at all possible, I would love to keep him in my back pocket to provide original soundtracks to get down to. I think this is a really great idea. A house DJ to provide a musical score for your sex life. Like a personal chef but way cooler. Rather than "I'm feeling bloated, lean fish and steamed vegetables, please" it would be like, "So tonight we're feeling taking some ecstacy and fucking on the pool table. Gilles, man, we trust you so just go with our pace, and if you could throw in a little Daft Punk, that would be great."
You dig??
More big deals to be shared shortly, thanks for coming.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Interview with bubbles125 and pennymarie!

Because they won for best best friends on ecobuddies plus piggers did but i couldnt find her online, they get an interveiw. Piggers if you want an interveiw tell me and ill give you one. Heres the interveeiw.
Whats your favorite color?
Pennymarie- blue
Bubbles- blue
What is your favorite sport?
Penny- bolwing and kick ball
Bubbles- vollyball and track
What is your favorite hair style on ecobuddies?
Penny- blonde ponytail
Bubbles- black hair down
What do you like to do on ecobuddies?
Penny- hang with people
Bubbles-Hangout with my friends
There you have it an awesome interview. Piggers if you want an interview just tell me :)
Saturday, April 24, 2010
The coolest buddie is.............
FEATHER2!!!!!! WHAHOOOO! feather is so cool and awesome. Feather has a nice taste in stlye to. She always looks her best! :) Feather is one of my good friends on ecobuddies. I wish she was my sister in real life!! Feather is always so nice to everyone. She is friend that you could count on :)
Friday, April 23, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Happy Earth Day!

Its the 22 of apirl that meens its earth day!!!!! everyone should do something to help the Earth. Also chcek out Julia,caramle and mines blog green buddies groupe cuz we go BIG for earth day! In my school we celerbrat earth day by having these guss speakers come in our classroom and let us do fun acctives with them. Also for lunch we have dirt cups. There pudding with a gummy worm on it. On ecobuddies there will be a Earth day party but idk if i could go cuz im going to this dinner party thing. I really want to go. So help Earth today and everyday!
Favorite sea animel!
your favorite sea animel is.......a dolphin :) i love dolphins. One time when my famliy and i went to Flordia for vaction, my sister got to kiss a dolphin lol. dolphins are mamels like us. They could breath in and out of water. They blow water out of there blowholes. In school we had to write fiction storys and i wrote mine about a girl who turns into a dolphin. When my friends read the story they laughted and said its cool and funny :)
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Trailer: Raavan - Aishwarya Rai, Abhishek Bachchan
Here is the teaser trailer of Mani Ratnam's highly anticipated movie 'Raavan' featuring Aishwarya Rai, Abhishek Bachchan and Vikram in lead roles.

Music is by A.R. Rahman and lyrics by Gulzar. The movie's music releases on 24th April 2010.
The film has been simultaneously shot in Hindi and Tamil.
See the trailer here:

Music is by A.R. Rahman and lyrics by Gulzar. The movie's music releases on 24th April 2010.
The film has been simultaneously shot in Hindi and Tamil.
See the trailer here:
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Lakshmi Rai - Sizzling new pictures
Sizzling new pictures of Lakshmi Rai, the Indian film actress and model appearing in Tamil and Malayalam films. Lakshmi Rai was at one time rumoured to be dating Indian cricket captain M.S. Dhoni. (Click to enlarge images)

Lakshmi Rai initially worked as a model before entering the film industry. She modeled in several ads. She made her acting debut in 2004 in the Tamil film Karka Kasadara opposite Vikranth. Subsequently she appeared in a number of Tamil films, including the comedy film Kundakka Mandakka (2004) alongside R. Parthiban, Perarasu's Dharmapuri (2006) opposite Vijayakanth, and Nenjai Thodu (2007).

In 2008, she finally got noticed as she starred in the films Velli Thirai, which was a moderate success, and the action thriller Dhaam Dhoom, which brought her high critical acclaim. Her portrayal of Aarthi Ponappa, a lawyer, was widely appreciated, which eventually resulted in her first Filmfare Award nomination in the category for Best Supporting Actress.

However, she became more popular and gained more success in Kerala, appearing in Malayalam-language films. She made her debut in Malayalam in 2007, starring in Rock N Roll. She followed it up with some highly successful films like 2 Harihar Nagar, Ividam Swargamanu and Chattambinadu, regularly acting alongside Malayalam acting legends Mohan Lal and Mammootty. She is currently working on four Malayalam films and one Tamil film.

Lakshmi Rai initially worked as a model before entering the film industry. She modeled in several ads. She made her acting debut in 2004 in the Tamil film Karka Kasadara opposite Vikranth. Subsequently she appeared in a number of Tamil films, including the comedy film Kundakka Mandakka (2004) alongside R. Parthiban, Perarasu's Dharmapuri (2006) opposite Vijayakanth, and Nenjai Thodu (2007).

In 2008, she finally got noticed as she starred in the films Velli Thirai, which was a moderate success, and the action thriller Dhaam Dhoom, which brought her high critical acclaim. Her portrayal of Aarthi Ponappa, a lawyer, was widely appreciated, which eventually resulted in her first Filmfare Award nomination in the category for Best Supporting Actress.

However, she became more popular and gained more success in Kerala, appearing in Malayalam-language films. She made her debut in Malayalam in 2007, starring in Rock N Roll. She followed it up with some highly successful films like 2 Harihar Nagar, Ividam Swargamanu and Chattambinadu, regularly acting alongside Malayalam acting legends Mohan Lal and Mammootty. She is currently working on four Malayalam films and one Tamil film.
Monday, April 19, 2010
~Embroidery Inspiration~
This embroidery Amy Powers finished is so cute! I came across it HERE. Be sure to check out more!! I plan to make one as well.....but first I have to get my Amy Butler dress finished!
Thing of the Week is...........

ORANGE SODA!!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYA! orage soda is very tastey. Its cool too. Its soda thats orange. (im drinking it right now lol) Orange soda is good but wacht out! you dont want it to get on your cloths or carpet because it stians bad! Orange soda is very neat. If you never had it before, i would go to the store and try it now. :)
Friday, April 16, 2010
Hot Teen Girl Modeling
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