Jan 4, 12:47 PM
I picked it up. I let you know how it is. I've never bought TomTom or Navigon, because all I've ever had was Garmin devices, and it's AT LEAST $10 cheaper than any other GPS app with Canada maps as well as US. (I like to travel to canada on occasion). The constant updating for free is a major plus, that's the one thing i missed about my old non-smartphone VZ navigator.
As far as the no onboard maps...that's a bit of a concern. Most of my driving is done within a 3G coverage area, but I've read that it has a way of keeping the maps downloaded even if you drop data coverage. Hopefully this is true.
EDIT: here is the link for that article i read: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CB8QqQIwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fgps.about.com%2Fb%2F2011%2F01%2F04%2Fgarmin-finally-enters-the-iphone-app-fray.htm&ei=UGsjTem3IYT7lwfq8cDrCw&usg=AFQjCNEIBVv5SjAF_8y2wxKoJ2qD8HahKQ
I will cover Garmin's method of handling maps when a phone is out of data range in my review.
At least it is hopeful then...
As far as the no onboard maps...that's a bit of a concern. Most of my driving is done within a 3G coverage area, but I've read that it has a way of keeping the maps downloaded even if you drop data coverage. Hopefully this is true.
EDIT: here is the link for that article i read: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CB8QqQIwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fgps.about.com%2Fb%2F2011%2F01%2F04%2Fgarmin-finally-enters-the-iphone-app-fray.htm&ei=UGsjTem3IYT7lwfq8cDrCw&usg=AFQjCNEIBVv5SjAF_8y2wxKoJ2qD8HahKQ
I will cover Garmin's method of handling maps when a phone is out of data range in my review.
At least it is hopeful then...
Apr 10, 12:17 AM
First other organizations offer abortions as well. So I'm not sure what your logic is getting at.
Second PP was not started by the KKK.
Finally, I don't know if what Abby Johnson is saying is true but if abortions are truly going on at a magnitude that she suggests and PP is illegally funding them, I don't know why she's the only firsthand source.
I dont know how many of you guys actually have firsthand experience with PP and how many are just doing the keyboard jockey thing but I've been in 3 Planned Parenthood waiting rooms. Those places are always packed with women. It'll be raining and the place won't open for another hour and there will still be a line outside. From looking around, I have never seen any woman there with a late term pregnancy. What I did see were a lot of women - usually from high school to mid-20's, lower income, probably no health insurance. Since my high school days, PP has always been the primary resource for testing and/or contraception. Through their counseling, which is actually pretty effective, it's also one of the best resources to learn how to be sexually responsible.
Margaret Sanger had "interesting" views of minorities
That's a little simplistic don't you think?
One would assume that you'd also be pro gun control, pro universal healthcare and anti military if not "diminish[ing] that asset" was truly so important to you.
Somehow, I doubt that you're consistent in your stance.
Pro-gun control (okay on hunting rifles/shotguns, no on automatics and mandatory gun safety training for urban possession). Pro-universal healthcare. The military could be a lot less involved internationally and still maintain Pax Americana.
I am that consistent.
Who says people are the greatest asset? Do you know what happens when bacteria overwhelms its environment? Have you ever heard of too much of a good thing? ;)
I also advocate for a simpler lifestyle
Well, Cao Cao for one.
So I'm eager to hear of all the political programs he suports that enhance the probability of health and livelihood for all people, lest one of those precious assets suffer an untimely demise.
Cao Cao must be a big proponent of speed limits, helmet laws, OSHA, the FDA, the EPA, government regulations, etc.
Well to Marxists people are the greatest asset and in a way in capitalism too.
Yes, I support speed limits, helmet laws, OSHA, the FDA, the EPA.
I call fake photo. Just look at the "photo credit: registeredmedia.com" slapped on bottom right corner.
From wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margaret_Sanger) (because that's the fastest way for me to search this little piece of history)
All she did was give a speech on birth control to women in that organization.
Oh, and how are people (especially the very young) going to know about consequences if they are not properly informed of consequences and dangers? Are you (CaoCao) proposing that they know of these things after the fact. After teens have already gotten pregnant because they didn't understand and were told about birth control and what it does. Are they told only after contracting an STD from an infected partner who didn't know that he/she was infected.
I know it is probably shopped, I was using that image to represent Margaret Sanger's views on eugenics and treatment of minorities.
People need to be adequately informed of consequences and dangers, it is vital to discouraging them.
eawmp1, have you done both? What is easier, a couple hours of pain or eighteen years of hard work?
I love how in 2009 Planned Parenthood did 332,278 abortion and 977 adoption referrals, that's like 340 to 1
Second PP was not started by the KKK.
Finally, I don't know if what Abby Johnson is saying is true but if abortions are truly going on at a magnitude that she suggests and PP is illegally funding them, I don't know why she's the only firsthand source.
I dont know how many of you guys actually have firsthand experience with PP and how many are just doing the keyboard jockey thing but I've been in 3 Planned Parenthood waiting rooms. Those places are always packed with women. It'll be raining and the place won't open for another hour and there will still be a line outside. From looking around, I have never seen any woman there with a late term pregnancy. What I did see were a lot of women - usually from high school to mid-20's, lower income, probably no health insurance. Since my high school days, PP has always been the primary resource for testing and/or contraception. Through their counseling, which is actually pretty effective, it's also one of the best resources to learn how to be sexually responsible.
Margaret Sanger had "interesting" views of minorities
That's a little simplistic don't you think?
One would assume that you'd also be pro gun control, pro universal healthcare and anti military if not "diminish[ing] that asset" was truly so important to you.
Somehow, I doubt that you're consistent in your stance.
Pro-gun control (okay on hunting rifles/shotguns, no on automatics and mandatory gun safety training for urban possession). Pro-universal healthcare. The military could be a lot less involved internationally and still maintain Pax Americana.
I am that consistent.
Who says people are the greatest asset? Do you know what happens when bacteria overwhelms its environment? Have you ever heard of too much of a good thing? ;)
I also advocate for a simpler lifestyle
Well, Cao Cao for one.
So I'm eager to hear of all the political programs he suports that enhance the probability of health and livelihood for all people, lest one of those precious assets suffer an untimely demise.
Cao Cao must be a big proponent of speed limits, helmet laws, OSHA, the FDA, the EPA, government regulations, etc.
Well to Marxists people are the greatest asset and in a way in capitalism too.
Yes, I support speed limits, helmet laws, OSHA, the FDA, the EPA.
I call fake photo. Just look at the "photo credit: registeredmedia.com" slapped on bottom right corner.
From wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margaret_Sanger) (because that's the fastest way for me to search this little piece of history)
All she did was give a speech on birth control to women in that organization.
Oh, and how are people (especially the very young) going to know about consequences if they are not properly informed of consequences and dangers? Are you (CaoCao) proposing that they know of these things after the fact. After teens have already gotten pregnant because they didn't understand and were told about birth control and what it does. Are they told only after contracting an STD from an infected partner who didn't know that he/she was infected.
I know it is probably shopped, I was using that image to represent Margaret Sanger's views on eugenics and treatment of minorities.
People need to be adequately informed of consequences and dangers, it is vital to discouraging them.
eawmp1, have you done both? What is easier, a couple hours of pain or eighteen years of hard work?
I love how in 2009 Planned Parenthood did 332,278 abortion and 977 adoption referrals, that's like 340 to 1
Nov 2, 09:26 AM
Just from my observation (I have no hard data or anything), it seems that at least 25% of new mac buyers are switchers. And from conversations I've heard around my office, I think that number will continue to grow. Apple is really turning heads with this transition to Intel. People like to know what they're getting in a machine (even if they don't really understand the components themselves) and Intel is a household name for the windows world. Good stuff. ;)
Laird Knox
May 2, 06:14 PM
It's pretty clear that the lens is in a deeper "well" in the white model. This is consistent with the rumor that light was impinging on the camera in the white model. What you need to do is limit all light that isn't coming from directly in front of the lens. No light from the side, and definitely no light from the inside of the camera. The way to fight it if you have an SLR? Invest in an old fashioned thing called a bellows, which shields the lens from any light that isn't coming from the area you can focus on, and which doesn't do anything but add glare or make blacks in the picture more like dark gray. This deeper camera acts like a bellows, I presume, blocking any light coming through the white, more translucent body.
Nice theory except that a bellows goes between the lens and the camera. I believe the item you are looking for is a lens shade. ;)
Nice theory except that a bellows goes between the lens and the camera. I believe the item you are looking for is a lens shade. ;)
Apr 3, 02:45 PM
What I see Pages as trying to do (again) is to define a new category.

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Jul 17, 05:37 AM
picking mine up today.

Apr 12, 01:04 PM
WTF? Why does the MS Office updater force me to quit chrome ????
Sep 27, 12:18 PM
...that developer friend of yours is breaking his agreement with Apple and he should stop.
I think he was just trying to convince me to sign up. I'm not so sure now. We'll see what happens with this next version.
I think he was just trying to convince me to sign up. I'm not so sure now. We'll see what happens with this next version.

Apr 5, 09:13 AM
Maybe you have really abnormally large fingers! :D
A full-hand pinch isn't that hard to do on an iPhone/iPod Touch
Try it. The positioning isn't comfortable for anyone.
I'd argue that you'd see Apple lose a large number of users if they went that route.
A full-hand pinch isn't that hard to do on an iPhone/iPod Touch
Try it. The positioning isn't comfortable for anyone.
I'd argue that you'd see Apple lose a large number of users if they went that route.
Mar 28, 11:16 PM
i love Steve but he looks just awful.
And there's something about Steve jobs drinking Starbucks coffee that doesn't sit right with me. I don't really know why.
And there's something about Steve jobs drinking Starbucks coffee that doesn't sit right with me. I don't really know why.
Apr 20, 10:23 AM
No. Intel graphic card is not acceptable for me by any means.
I doubt backlit keyboard will come back on MBA. Apple is trying to differentiate the MBP and MBA. Backlit keyboard is one of their lists.
Bottom line, intel HD 3000 is a step back. I won't step back to upgrade and pay money.
I will wait for IVY Bridge Macbook air or liquid metal MBA in the future or Carbon Fiber.
That's a long time wait, but I will wait.
I doubt backlit keyboard will come back on MBA. Apple is trying to differentiate the MBP and MBA. Backlit keyboard is one of their lists.
Bottom line, intel HD 3000 is a step back. I won't step back to upgrade and pay money.
I will wait for IVY Bridge Macbook air or liquid metal MBA in the future or Carbon Fiber.
That's a long time wait, but I will wait.
Nov 14, 09:07 AM
I know who Ill be flying with. Nice.

Feb 25, 03:52 AM
Throughout the attempts to lay blame on parents, there is a bogus assumption that the 15 minute password time extension is obvious and/or that parental restriction ability is known or easy to use.
Millions of people buy the iPhone because it's supposed to be "intuitive" and NOT require reading a manual or spending time researching every Settings menu. (Just look at all the fanboys claiming Android is "harder" because it has more options.)
Not only are in-app restrictions buried in Settings where it's not quick to get to, but worse: in typical Apple iOS fashion there's no way to set a purchase option per app... it's only a global setting.
Since Apple is quick to refund such mistaken in-app purchases, even they have tacitly acknowledged that there is a problem.
So it's likely that a change will be made. If you were an Apple developer given the task to fix the problem, what would you do?

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Millions of people buy the iPhone because it's supposed to be "intuitive" and NOT require reading a manual or spending time researching every Settings menu. (Just look at all the fanboys claiming Android is "harder" because it has more options.)
Not only are in-app restrictions buried in Settings where it's not quick to get to, but worse: in typical Apple iOS fashion there's no way to set a purchase option per app... it's only a global setting.
Since Apple is quick to refund such mistaken in-app purchases, even they have tacitly acknowledged that there is a problem.
So it's likely that a change will be made. If you were an Apple developer given the task to fix the problem, what would you do?
redeye be
May 25, 12:20 PM
Here (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?p=1480891#post1480891), now don't go around saying I never do anything for you :D.
I was actually going to post that before I even read your request, but I figured for sure someone would beat me to it.
Darned, shouldn't have asked.
But thx, You rock dude! :D
I was actually going to post that before I even read your request, but I figured for sure someone would beat me to it.
Darned, shouldn't have asked.
But thx, You rock dude! :D
May 4, 07:56 AM
Its about elegance and love. We dont just use our Macs they become friends and part of the family. We dont just look at them as computers but extensions of ourselves. No system is perfect but for us this is as close as we can get to perfection. So many of the things you said you can do on your Windows machine I dont doubt I just know we can do it easier and usually were able to do it well before you could. You mistake pride for bigotry. Yes I will admit that you can play more games than I can but thats what the PS2. gamecube and X box are for. About price, I agree the sticker shock is that the Mac is more expensive but when you look at what you get with it. especially in the video editing realm you start to realize that the windows side doesnt have anything anything to compare with it. Not without having to pay at least a few hundred dollars for. Sure you built your own machine but wheres the tech support or the warranty. Any of those parts go bad and you'll be replacing them yourself. Theres more cost built in to building than many people choose to admit. Fact is we all live in a world that runs on Windows machines. Office's are full of beige boxes that sometimes manage to get through a day of email and excel. What you may not think about is that while the penny pushers may move the money from place to place on a windows machine the marketing side usually gets the products sold on a Mac. Advertising firms and creative agencies that market the worlds products do it on a much more stable environment. So dont think of it as bigotry but instead a sense of pride that... well I saw a T-shirt on a guy in the Apple store on Friday night that said it best. "Its a Mac thing, you wouldnt understand"
Mar 28, 02:10 PM
So, you WILL get different focal lengths from 2 identically marked lenses where one is an EF-S lens and the other is an EF lens.
No you will not.
Edit: to clarify, if you take an EF 17-40mm and put it on a 60D, you will get the exact same field of view as an EF-S 17-55mm if both are set to 17mm.
No you will not.
Edit: to clarify, if you take an EF 17-40mm and put it on a 60D, you will get the exact same field of view as an EF-S 17-55mm if both are set to 17mm.

Apr 9, 12:24 AM
I am all for getting rid of those too. This topic was about PP, so I expressed my feelings for that colossal waste of money. I didn't want to stray too far off topic.
The PP issue wasn't about cutting the budget for the right wingers, it was about pushing their agenda. Boehner got his pet project included for federal funding of private school vouchers in DC (read religious).
The PP issue wasn't about cutting the budget for the right wingers, it was about pushing their agenda. Boehner got his pet project included for federal funding of private school vouchers in DC (read religious).

King Cobra
Sep 14, 07:08 AM
>(MacBandit) First of all what do you consider great boot times? Not that this matters a lot. I have a new Dual Ghz/DDR and it starts from cold boot to login in screen in 27secs with 10.2 and from login to operating finder is nearly instantaneous.
With 10.2, sure, boot time on the Mac has significantly improved. But I've noticed that with the PCs at PHHS the PCs boot in under a minute. But, just this past week I thought I logged out of one of the P3s and I actually restarted it. The restart to log-in, then to the OS was approximately the same as you said, MB. What would a computer with 3x/4x the GHz seem like?
>Second of all as I have stated before the true reason Mhz doesn't matter is because something like %98 of all computer users are not power users these are the people that will go buy a new computer tomorrow and if there is a 2.8Ghz computer sitting next to a 800Mhz computer they couldn't care they're going to buy the cheap one.
>(MacBandit, in a previous post) The people that really desire the speed at least most of them know the difference between Mhz and overall system speed.
My entire previous post, starting from the first lengthy paragraph was trying to explain why MHz doesn't matter. I agree with your point of view, but I am trying to expand the MHz/GHz speeds of a G4 to how it would compare against a P4 of ≈ same speed. My post had approximations, so that's why I say approximately equal to, not =. But my point is that the G4 can actually surpass the P4 at 3 or 4GHz speeds if the right apps are used.
>They don't even care how much ram it has. I know this because I went computer shopping with my boss for work(yes for a PC). He wanted my help. Well little help I was he bought the cheapest computer he could get with 64MB of Ram I suggested we upgrade it later and he agreed well that was 2 years ago still it sits with 64MB of RAM in it. Oh and I might add it still has all the stickers on the front of it.
Well I didn't mention RAM, but I will now. Try running OS X (even 10.1) on ANY computer with 128MB of RAM or less. I have with my iMac 233 (w/64MB of RAM) and my iBook 467 (with 128MB). The iMac was a complete drag. My iBook is rather slow, but it works fine. My Cube G4 has 1GB of RAM and must be at least 2 or 3 times faster than my iBook, depending on what tasks I perform.
>These people don't care about this stuff all it's used for is mail and the occasional websearch and most people are like this.
Now this brings up a different issue (as well as MHz): OS Stability. Sure, XP may have fixed *some* :snicker: of the errors from older versions of Win. Yet it still isn't totally stable.
Wherever there is a PC for that stuff, there is a low-end PowerMac for them. It's called an iMac. :cool:
With 10.2, sure, boot time on the Mac has significantly improved. But I've noticed that with the PCs at PHHS the PCs boot in under a minute. But, just this past week I thought I logged out of one of the P3s and I actually restarted it. The restart to log-in, then to the OS was approximately the same as you said, MB. What would a computer with 3x/4x the GHz seem like?
>Second of all as I have stated before the true reason Mhz doesn't matter is because something like %98 of all computer users are not power users these are the people that will go buy a new computer tomorrow and if there is a 2.8Ghz computer sitting next to a 800Mhz computer they couldn't care they're going to buy the cheap one.
>(MacBandit, in a previous post) The people that really desire the speed at least most of them know the difference between Mhz and overall system speed.
My entire previous post, starting from the first lengthy paragraph was trying to explain why MHz doesn't matter. I agree with your point of view, but I am trying to expand the MHz/GHz speeds of a G4 to how it would compare against a P4 of ≈ same speed. My post had approximations, so that's why I say approximately equal to, not =. But my point is that the G4 can actually surpass the P4 at 3 or 4GHz speeds if the right apps are used.
>They don't even care how much ram it has. I know this because I went computer shopping with my boss for work(yes for a PC). He wanted my help. Well little help I was he bought the cheapest computer he could get with 64MB of Ram I suggested we upgrade it later and he agreed well that was 2 years ago still it sits with 64MB of RAM in it. Oh and I might add it still has all the stickers on the front of it.
Well I didn't mention RAM, but I will now. Try running OS X (even 10.1) on ANY computer with 128MB of RAM or less. I have with my iMac 233 (w/64MB of RAM) and my iBook 467 (with 128MB). The iMac was a complete drag. My iBook is rather slow, but it works fine. My Cube G4 has 1GB of RAM and must be at least 2 or 3 times faster than my iBook, depending on what tasks I perform.
>These people don't care about this stuff all it's used for is mail and the occasional websearch and most people are like this.
Now this brings up a different issue (as well as MHz): OS Stability. Sure, XP may have fixed *some* :snicker: of the errors from older versions of Win. Yet it still isn't totally stable.
Wherever there is a PC for that stuff, there is a low-end PowerMac for them. It's called an iMac. :cool:
Dec 3, 10:02 AM
If you want it, buy it. Stop complaining about other people's success. Lots of people sell 3rd party junk.
Sorry but this is not legal success. That's the difference.
Sorry but this is not legal success. That's the difference.
Sep 25, 10:57 AM
Support for XMP files is huge, IMO! Very nice! :D
Mar 25, 08:30 AM
Darn greedy dying company. Go back to making film! Oh wait...
Apr 12, 12:47 PM
A little off topic, but question for those who need Office software, and also run Parallels/Fusion: Do you prefer Office For Mac, or do you prefer to run "regular" Office in Parallels/Fusion? Thanks.
Well, you got support for plugins as far as I know in Office 2007/2010 while I don't know if you have it in Office 2008/2011. One of the plugins for example is Ribbon Hero, an interactive tutorial for Word, PowerPoint, Excel and OneNote.
Well, you got support for plugins as far as I know in Office 2007/2010 while I don't know if you have it in Office 2008/2011. One of the plugins for example is Ribbon Hero, an interactive tutorial for Word, PowerPoint, Excel and OneNote.
Apr 22, 01:16 AM
I'm still using an Original iPhone, so no matter what the next version of the iPhone I'm gonna get it and I'm gonna be happy.
ender land
Apr 9, 09:29 AM
Cut defense, raise taxes on the rich, and close corporate tax loopholes. Deficit solved without cutting any social services. In fact, the little "balance the budget" exercise I posted a few weeks ago proved we could add a surplus while still increasing money for social services, green energy and veterans benefits. All with a progressive tax increase on the top 10%.
As Maddow says, its not about the budget.
This mentality and mentality will never fix budget problems.
You cannot simply go "oh we are spending more money than we have, lets just go get more money" or "what do we want to do? let's get the money to do it" and expect to keep a balanced budget. Because the next time you have the problem, you'll do the same thing. This obviously is not repeatable indefinitely.
The way to keep a balanced budget does not change when you are the government as compared with individual. It's about not spending more than you have and then finding ways to get more money. It's about spending money on things which are necessary, not merely wanted.
As Maddow says, its not about the budget.
This mentality and mentality will never fix budget problems.
You cannot simply go "oh we are spending more money than we have, lets just go get more money" or "what do we want to do? let's get the money to do it" and expect to keep a balanced budget. Because the next time you have the problem, you'll do the same thing. This obviously is not repeatable indefinitely.
The way to keep a balanced budget does not change when you are the government as compared with individual. It's about not spending more than you have and then finding ways to get more money. It's about spending money on things which are necessary, not merely wanted.
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