Friday, January 14, 2011

A.J. McLean checks into rehab

Confession time!  When I was just a little Bri, (I'm gonna say 10-years-old...) I used to go into Backstreet Boys chatrooms on the internet (WHICH WAS BRAND NEW... to my household at least) and my username was "AJsGirl".  Seriously.  I tried to convince everybody A.J. McLean was my boyfriend.  I may have even convinced myself.

[I'm not fucking proud of it!]

Shortly after, *NSYNC and Justin Timberlake came along and my priorities shifted...

But it still hurts my heart to this day to know my ex is still struggling with his addictions.  TMZ reports A.J. McLean has checked back into rehab for alcohol and cocaine abuse.  Yes this is his third time.  But to be fair, he hasn't been there since 2002!  And that was before it was "cool" (it still isn't).

Apparently the Backstreet Boys member has been "out of control" for the last few months and has been openly drinking on their BSB cruises.  Yes, they have those.  Seriously, anyone who makes fun of these guys needs to shut the hell up because they are STILL cashing in on hilarious shit like that.  Another example of their continuing success is their upcoming joint-tour with New Kids On The Block (you shut your mouth about them too!) which was threatened because of A.J.'s setbacks...  NOOO!!

But he promises it won't fuck up NKOTBSB's plans!  Thank G...

In a statement the singer says, “For personal reasons, I’ve checked myself into a rehab clinic. With 2011 being a busy year for Backstreet, I want to be healthy and perform & sing for people at my very best and happiest. None of this will affect our current tour plans and I look forward to seeing everyone really soon! Thank you for all of your support and respecting my family and friends privacy during this time.”

I know a lot of people who are hoping this works out... because without A.J., BSB would be...

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