Friday, January 21, 2011

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Eugenicists will revive the show in 1911

Jacques Desbarbieux recovered numerous pieces of a collector Roubaix.

Circle of local history buffs, the association eugenicists, having passion for the centenary of the Grand Boulevard, looks at 100 years of international exposure of Roubaix. Meeting with Jacques Desbarbieux, who found parts surprising.

When Roubaix is known that post-crisis, it was very difficult to imagine the Roubaix for a hundred years ago. Flipping the album postcards and photographs collected by Jacques Desbarbieux, one remains speechless. "At the time, it was common for cities organizing international exhibitions, explains this passionate local history and architecture. Before Roubaix, there were Brussels and Tourcoing. Roubaix but wanted to do better, bigger. Organizers have even been overwhelmed by the initial draft, they had to change plans. "

Nearly two million visitors

The textile capital, including the mayor, Eugene Motte was a great patron of industry, wanted to assert his power. Lille and Tourcoing were only two small dots on the map. The International Exhibition of 1911 lasted six months, welcomed 1.7 million visitors. Architects have built lavish houses in and around the park Barbieux. For the centenary, Jacques Desbarbieux and friends of the association Eugenie, which he is treasurer and webmaster, have decided to revive the event in their own way.

Eugenicists only two years old. Originally, this association was to preserve architectural heritage signed Gabriel Pagnerre. This has naturally led to focus on the Grand Boulevard, lined with houses Pagnerre. And Grand Boulevard at Park Barbieux, there was only one step. "In the centenary of the Grand Boulevard, was organized tours that ended at the former dairy park, that we paved trails. "Meanwhile, the nephew of a deceased collector went to find Jacques Desbarbieux. He had inherited a countless number of documents about the exhibition of 1911. A godsend to start the search. site because "it Still nothing, "laments a lover of heritage that aims to" rebuild the puzzle. " Tablet computer in hand, he wants to see what could be this international exhibition on guided tours of the park Barbieux the weekend of April 30, the anniversary of the inauguration of the exhibition. It was already in cahoots with the tourist office.

Casino and Theme Park

"People are always shocked to say" it's not that old yet, the collective memory 's erase " "He warns. In 1911, Roubaix was not the poorest city in France, quite the contrary. For this international exhibition, they spent lavishly. "Every week, there was something there. Every conceivable convention took place there. "We gained access to the expo for an F or 50 cents a monumental gate crossing opposite the Boulevard de Paris (Boulevard De Gaulle future). Immediately to the right, the Flemish village, and textile flags, those of Belgium, the Netherlands, but also Australia and New Zealand, major producers of wool. In the middle of the park, flags of the colonies. Further, the Senegalese village and its natives lifelike. There was also a football stadium, a casino, pubs and at the other end of the exhibition, an amusement park, Luna Park, with the Joy Wheel, Scenic Railway ... "The greatest aviators came to Roland Garros landed in Roubaix," said Jacques Desbarbieux yet, not greedy of anecdotes. He could talk for hours about the shortage of housing during the six months of the exhibition or the many products - marketing, already ... He also recalls that it was in 1911 that Roubaix has offered its current City Hall and the hospital of the fraternity. "Eugene Motte wanted to be reelected in 1912, he glides. Today, merely to put road signs in the park Barbieux to recall this amazing event seems expensive and complicated ...
documents are collected on the blog
youenn.martin @
See article in Nord-Eclair

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