When Barack Obama was inaugurated, I was not a happy camper. I didn’t get caught in all the hoopla because I’m a conservative and I felt he was very bad for our country.
I tried to warn all my friends, family and neighbors that Barack Obama is a big time Liberal radical who believes that America is the cause for all the world’s troubles.
That’s why I was never surprised when Obama made his Apology Tour around the world.
In my frustration, I stated this blog as a form of therapy to fight back against a tidal wave of Obama-mania. For the first 6 months, I posted articles written by Conservatives I admire like Ralph Peters, Rich Lowry and others. But, in September 09, I decided to write more of my own thoughts. In lees than a week, I got one Follower and I was thrilled to death.
Today, TLT has 108 up from 54 Followers last April.
TLT passed the 10,000 visitors on our 1st anniversary. Today, we’re at 334,000 hits and counting and I wanna thank all ya’ll for making it happen and taking the time to visit my site.
I want to thank each and every Follower who took the time to sign on to TLT.
I also want to thank my fellow Conservative bloggers who have put TLT on their Blog Rolls.
Also, I want to especially thank Ron Russell of TOTUS for giving TLT linky love in the early months and encouraged me to write more.
Thank you Booker Rising for feathering some of my articles. Thanks Shay!
And special thanks go to my blood brothers on the conservative blogosphere Cliff of Another Black Conservative who’s links on ABC has help boost TLT to levels I didn’t think possible. Thanks for all your encouragement and faith you’ve shown to TLT! And Tim at Left Coast Rebel for your friendship from the West Coast. Tim has always been willing to share his knowledge of blogging with me and he has been a great support along with Cliff to share my frequent gripes about traffic and getting listed on Meme (inside shop talk there). Thanks guys, I love you both and hope we can get together in-person to toss down some beers.
And thanks to all those who regularly read and/or comment on TLT!
Thanks Proof for all your pithy comments.
Special thanks to Will Jacobson of Legal Insurrection for making Blog of the Day and I didn’t know it till after the fact. Big Jake is a heavy hitter on the conservative blog scene and very worth visiting.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
I encourage all my readers to visit the sites I mentioned.
Let’s keep the Conservative wave going!
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