Friday, October 9, 2009


I had super weird dreams last night/this morning/this afternoon, when I finally escaped from someplace called Bayview Public School. It was called Bayview Public School but everything except the office and the bathrooms by the senior kindergarten classroom were different, and there were way more than 2 floors, which made it really scary and confusing when trying to escape from the bad guys. Also, this miniature older woman who is always begging downtown but not saying anything, she just chews on her cheeks and makes you feel sorry for her (sort of) but also really mad at her because she needs to up her game by now, come on...well, she was there but in the dream I loved her and wanted to say goodbye to her (she was going to die) but I kept losing her in the place called Bayview Public School because she was SO SMALL.

It's like how when I want to know if my roommate Mike is home, it's sometimes hard to tell even when I look in his bed and he is in there because he is rather thin and blends in with that airbrushed tiger faux fur excuse for a blanket he seems to love so much.

(This is actually a sorry excuse for Mike's occasionally cool excuse for a blanket. This tiger is way more tame than Mike's tiger. Mike's tiger is FEROCIOUS.)

Moving on.

If I don't want to get in super trouble with life, I should set out within the next 15 to 20 business minutes to get me a new job. Even though it's raining and that's pretty living on the edgish, don't you think?? But my fortune last night said "Good luck is just around the corner." so there that is.

Besides, I've been living on the edge big-time this week anyway, check it.

A couple of days ago I wore flared jeans, aaaaand all week long I've been using something I bought at DOLLARAMA to get that subtle year-round glow of THE ISLANDS.

Top THAT, you rebels.

Now consider whether or not French people say it like this.


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