Friday, March 4, 2011

David Arquette "fine" after a serious car accident

First thing I thought when I heard this was, "Oh shit, he's been drinking again."  Don't act like it didn't cross your mind...

TMZ reports David Arquette was involved in a head-on collision this afternoon in West Hollywood.  A witness states that some jabroney in front of him stopped suddenly so David reacted by swerving to avoid rear-ending them.  Well he ended up front-ending someone instead...

He was laying on the ground bleeding when the ambulance weee-oooo'd over to rush him away, but somehow he's fine now.

David's been tweeting, so clearly he hasn't broken any fingers.  He wrote, "Remember to wear your seatbelt-wish I was."

Followed by, "It was a miracle the woman I hit was uninjured- Thank God!"

Do people seriously still not wear their seatbelts these days?  David... don't be stchupid.

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