Monday, November 24, 2008


Went to the dentist today. Things look better but I'm not allowed to chew for ONE MONTH.

Today on the wheels of walkman we have In Utero from a little known band called Nirvana.

It came out two months after yesterday's fave, Siamese Dream, in September 1993.

It is worth noting that Miley Cyrus was zero years old at this time not that there's anything wrong with that.

PEACE MILEY! (I know, I know, you were 10 months old; big whoop.)

By the way Alliy Brown, the In Utero tape is yours. I took it from your tape stash when we used to live together. I wasn't stealing, I just forgot to give it back.

(Show me your tape player and you can have it back. Shit...last week when I was trying out my discman, I found myself listening to your pink Bran Van 3000 CD?? That was actually an accident...)

One time when Alliy turned 18 I made her a mixtape because we were going on a 2 hour car ride and her car was kind of a shitbox and I knew it had a tape player, plus it was her birthday like I said, right?

It turned out they had gotten a CD player installed and the tape player was no longer. At this point, I started to think that giving her The Goonies on BETA for Christmas was a bad idea.

Six months later, Alliy was working at Pita Pit where they had a tape player. She told me that she totally loved my tape and it was great to listen to at work.

One day one of her co-workers stole it. It was a good time to say, "This is the pits. The PITA pits." And so she did. (I hope.)

This is probably a good time to mention that Jessica Biel's ex-boyfriend is hotter than her current one.

What, you don't think so??

You're WRONG.

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