Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Oprah's family secret

Some woman named Patricia in Milwaukee has just won the gene pool lottery finding out she's Oprah Winfrey's half-sister.

Oprah revealed on her show yesterday that she had a little sister born in 1963 who her mother, Vernita Lee, immediately gave up for adoption. Vernita, full of shame, kept this tight-lipped for 47 years.  Meanwhile, Patricia was desperately searching for her birth mother having no idea who she was...

Here's the short version:

Patricia had received her adoption files a few years back which contained information about her three siblings and the years they were born.  She discovered that two of them had died, and one of the deceased shared her name.  Then by some divine intervention (there's really no other explanation), who happened to be doing an interview on the TV at that moment?  Oprah's mother talking about her two children who had passed away in 1989 and 2003!  Her daughter who died in 2003 was named Pat and she looks just like Patricia.  She was like, "noooo way."

She then came across an article about dead sister Pat's daughter's little restaurant so she decided to stop by one day and instead of ordering some ribs, she dropped the "I'm your long-lost aunt!" card on her.  After a DNA test was administered, it was revealed they are in fact related.  They didn't even need Maury Povich.  Finally, Oprah was told she had a half-sister and they all got together as a happy family this past Thanksgiving.

Okay it wasn't as splendid as that right off the bat, but you get my drift.

Although they never said anything about Patricia's father... don't tell me it was James Brown.

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