Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Brad Womack Bachelor finale & the new Bachelorette

During his second run as The Bachelor, Brad Womack finally found lurve... But it seems as though the woman he chose is not as into it.  Awkward!

Last night on the finale episode, it came down to 2 fan favorites... Chantal O'Brien and Emily Maynard.  Chantal was always professing her feelings for Brad while Emily had the sob story behind her.  Seriously, how many times did they bring up her dead fiance and their love child?  So it seemed as though Chantal was the obvious choice as she had no reservations about starting a life with Brad, they were cute together, had fun, etc.  He seemed completely into her too until this last episode...

[It was the dress... I blame the dress.]

Emily, on the other hand, was always questioning shit.  Sure she's been hurt before, but she wasn't fully opening herself up to Brad cuz she was scared or whatever.  And when he would lay it on the line with her and promise her everything she ever wanted, she totally couldn't accept it.  She was always like, "Well, you know... what if?  And like, well, you know... what about this?  What about that?  You know, like..."

Well, you know, like, he took a chance and proposed to Emily anyway.  He had stronger feelings for her, so you can't really knock him for not choosing Chantal... The heart wants what it wants.  The heart doesn't know rational, yo.

On the After The Final Rose special following the proposal, Emily was freaking the fuck out.  Since it had been a few months since filming wrapped, host Chris Harrison revealed that this special was originally supposed to be their wedding special.  Yeah.  Just like the only 2 other Bachelor/Bachelorette couples that made it, ABC wanted to film their wedding day... but Emily said about getting married right now (and I quote), "I love you, but NO."

Harrison also brought up the fact that Brad and Emily had broken up since the engagement and fought ALOT.  She wasn't willing to move to Austin to be with Brad at this point either.  And although they both said they consider themselves an engaged couple now, she had trouble even answering a yes or no question of whether or not she wants to marry him... Red flags everywhere!

The thing is, Emily couldn't handle seeing Brad get close to the other women once the show aired.  Even though she knew the process was over and that he chose her in the end, she couldn't deal with seeing him romancing other chicks up.  She also said she had a hard time separating her reality from reality TV... So that's when the "success stories" Trista and Ryan, Jason and Molly, and Ali and Roberto were brought out to give them some advice of how they got through watching the show, their lovers loving up on other people, the media scrutiny, etc.  Pretty much, ABC is desperate to make this work.

Meanwhile, Brad was like, "Seriously Emily! I love you! Let's just get married, stop being a weeeeirdo."  But she just seemed super uncomfortable, actually-- like she can't even stand him.  I can totally see her ruining everything.  WHEN Brad gets brokenhearted, it will be because Emily can't commit.  At least this time, she'll be the bad guy and he won't get blamed for being a dink who screwed up on The Bachelor again...

It's simple... Brad knows what he wants, and Emily is sabotaging her own happiness.  Honestly, I think she needs therapy and that's not a bad thing... she's gone through a lot in her life and subsequently, a lot of fears have been created.  Work it out, girl!

In Bachelorette news...

As announced on Jimmy Kimmel Live, Brad's third-place lady, Ashley Herbert, has been chosen to be the next Bachelorette!  Chantal may have been a potential option, but she found another dude after the show finished filming so she's good.

Ashley, who can finally stop going by 'Ashley H.', is a 26-year-old dental student from Maine.  She's adorable and got a hair makeover and EVERYTHING.

Her season debuts May 23.  Hopefully we only have to deal with minimal Brad Womack flashbacks...

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