Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Meet Rebecca Black

Not too long ago, this music video for a song called "Friday" by Rebecca Black only had a couple thousand views on YouTube.  Suddenly, over the weekend it went viral and now she's close to 10 million and it'll only continue to rise... For all the wrong reasons.

Some are calling her the next Justin Bieber but NO.  That's just an insult to Justin Bieber.  Sure, he found fame from YouTube but I've SEEN Never Say Never in 3D and that kid actually HAS talent.

Rebecca, on the other had, has a flat yet nasally voice (even with autotune) and I've heard better flow in baby nursery rhymes.  Throw in an anonymous rapper and you've got the most generic pop song ever made.

For real these are the actual words she sings: "Yesterday was Thursday, Thursday / Today it is Friday, Friday / We we we so exicted / We so excited. We gonna have a ball today / Tomorow it is Saturday and Sunday comes afterwards / I don't want this weekend to end!"

And just in case you can't comprehend how simple and ridiculously bad those lyrics are, in the official music video they actually WRITE THEM OUT... so you can sing along??  It has led many people to ask the question, "Is this a joke?"  It has to be!

"FRY-day! FRY-day! Fun. Fun. Fun. Fun."

Well, you can thank Ark Music Factory for this.  TIME magazine reports the L.A. based company makes money off preteen girls and boys who want to be pop stars.  I'm guessing they'll basically take anyone who will pay for studio time and a video shoot... give them a mediocre, low budget-looking music video for their lame ass song... and humiliate the hell out of them.  And of course their parents go for it, because they blindly believe their ordinary child has talent.

Hold up!  There's more where that came from, here's another "artist" signed to the 'Ark' label... Black, watch your back.

But OH NO!  They've got competition because these songs from two more awkward kids may in fact be even worse...

HOW are the Grammys going to possibly decide which one of them is worthy of Best New Artist next year?

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