Michael Bublé got married to this girl whose name I had to straight up copy and paste from People's website because no way I could ever remember Luisana Loreley Lopilato de la Torre. Make that Luisana Loreley Lopilato de la Torre Bublé now.
It went down in Argentina, where LLL dl T is from. She looks more bridesmaidey than bridey but I think they're adorable and original. Like, could they be any hotter?
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Buble gets married
Topless UK teacher: Art teacher Joanne Salley topless pics spread like wildfire at prestigious Harrow school

Looks like these pupils got the hots for teacher! I know that kids today have a short attention spam. Is this the way to fix that?
The Daily Mail reports that these sensational pictures have rocked one of Britain’s most hallowed institutions – Harrow School.
Topless photographs of an art tutor at the £30,000-a-year private school have been circulating its classrooms, dorms and corridors.

Joanne Salley, 32, a former model and TV presenter, posed provocatively in just a tight pair of jeans. In one shot she is draped over a bookcase crammed with tomes on art history.
Her tousled brunette hair reaches down to the small of her tanned back. In another moody image, she stares straight at the camera.
The pictures were captured by a fellow teacher at the school, professional photographer Fiona Corthine, as first reported by the Daily Mail’s Richard Kay. They are believed to have been taken on school grounds – in its art rooms.
The pictures were discovered by a pupil in the school’s photography laboratory – where they had been left on a memory stick. To the horror of Miss Salley –a former Miss Northern Ireland who used to go out with England rugby star Matt Dawson – the pictures circulated like wildfire on pupils’ mobiles.
They have been seen by the majority of the school’s 825 male pupils, its teachers and even its kitchen staff. Pupils who forwarded these pictures to the Mail did so after censoring them with modesty boxes.
More details here
NATO (aka United States) Warns Rebels Against Attacking Civilians or face bombing! WTF?

We might as well call this the Keystone Kops of kinetic engagement. Do you think it would’ve been much wiser to really investigate exactly who the heck these so-called rebels are? Maybe their mercenaries who used to kill Americans?
Does this mean the U.S. …er…Nato is on both sides of this civil war?
New York Times reports that members of the NATO alliance have sternly warned the rebels in Libya not to attack civilians as they push against the government of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, according to senior military and government officials.
As NATO takes over control of airstrikes in Libya, and the Obama administration considers new steps to tip the balance of power there, the coalition has told the rebels that if they endanger civilians, they will not be shielded from possible bombardment by NATO planes and missiles, just as the government’s forces have been punished.
“We’ve been conveying a message to the rebels that we will be compelled to defend civilians, whether pro-Qaddafi or pro-opposition,” said a senior Obama administration official. “We are working very hard behind the scenes with the rebels so we don’t confront a situation where we face a decision to strike the rebels to defend civilians.”
More details here
I like how the Times reports the story so seriously without a hint of alluding to the total ridiculousness of it all. There’s another word this, its “quagmire”. Maybe the Times has forgotten that they use to use the Q-word quite often during Viet Nam and under the George W. Bush administration.
These are the sweetest little Easter photos.....they are so darling and I just love the colors! Be sure to check out more on Kara's Party Ideas :)
Paris interviews Weezy
This is too funny.
Interview magazine is known for getting celebrities to interview other celebrities. Sometimes they are actors working on a movie together, or they are artists who have collaborated, etc. So I have no idea how Paris Hilton ended up asking Lil Wayne the questions (with the help of a contributing editor, because she's not smart enough to come up with that many on her own), but it happened in the latest issue.
The best part has to be the two of them bonding over prison though! YES, for real, because their experiences were sooo similar...
It starts with music writer Dimitri Ehrlich trying to get the details on Weezy’s 8-month sentence, then Paris killing the conversation by being a try-hard.
HAHAHA. I'm sorry, but that is GOLD. Yeah, you've got so much street-cred with your side part and hair extensions...
Interview magazine is known for getting celebrities to interview other celebrities. Sometimes they are actors working on a movie together, or they are artists who have collaborated, etc. So I have no idea how Paris Hilton ended up asking Lil Wayne the questions (with the help of a contributing editor, because she's not smart enough to come up with that many on her own), but it happened in the latest issue.
The best part has to be the two of them bonding over prison though! YES, for real, because their experiences were sooo similar...
It starts with music writer Dimitri Ehrlich trying to get the details on Weezy’s 8-month sentence, then Paris killing the conversation by being a try-hard.
EHRLICH: “I was reading that during your last month in prison, they put you in solitary confinement for having an iPod or something like that. I’ve heard that being in solitary is the most torturous thing in the world. What was that like for you?”
WAYNE: “For me it was okay, because it just meant that I was alone with my thoughts. There were times when it was pretty tough to be by yourself, and to have no television, no sort of nothing. That was kind of tough. But I didn’t have to be in there long. It was just a month. I was okay. I did fine.”
EHRLICH: “So literally a month without talking to any human beings except the guards. You’re totally isolated?”
WAYNE: “Nah. There were guys next to me and things like that. You could speak through the walls and stuff. It wasn’t totally silent like you would think it is.”
EHRLICH: “Can you still work out when you’re in solitary? Do you get time in the yard?”
WAYNE: “Yeah, yeah. I got an hour in the yard every day, so I was able to do all those things.”
HILTON: “I had to do 24 nights in solitary.” [Hilton was held in a separate cell as a safety precaution.]
WAYNE: “Oh, so you know how it is.”
HILTON: “Yeah, I know how it is.”
HAHAHA. I'm sorry, but that is GOLD. Yeah, you've got so much street-cred with your side part and hair extensions...
How does Hate Crime laws jib with equal protection under the law?

In New York City a 12 year old hoodlum boy and a female accomplice allegedly beat up on a 13 year old Muslim girl.
News reports say that the boy asked the Muslim girl, who was wearing a hijab, a head scarf Muslim females wear to honor Islam, if she was a Muslim. Afterwards the beating began with punches until the Muslim girl collapsed to the ground.
It was a viscous act of violence and the boy, who is in police custody, should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. However, the boy faces additional charges under Hate crime legislation, and this is where the justice system is running off the rails.
Why is this boy being charged with a hate crime and how did we get here as a society?
Who cares what the boy was thinking at the time he beat up the girl? The cuts and bruises on her face is enough evidence for me that he beat her up and should be dealt with on that basis alone.
However, Liberals, who invented the concept of Hate Crimes as a political tool to convert political correctness into votes, crossed the line into persecuting people for how they think-thought crimes. Further, the concept of equal protection under the law gets thrown on its head in favor of special protection for certain groups.
Have you ever heard of a white person being a victim of a Hate crime?
Under the law white people are not a special group. So where is the equal protection for them?
George Orwell’s 1984 has arrived and we’ll all suffer for it in one way or another if we don’t repeal hate crimes legislation.
If Liberals can push for the repeal of Rockefeller drug laws in New York, I as a conservative am calling for the repeal of hate crimes legislation. These mind-probing laws won’t be missed. People who commit murder, assault, battery, or rape can still be prosecuted for committing murder, assault, battery, and rape. That’s the way it ought to be, equal justice for bad acts instead of bad thoughts.
Calvin Klein giant billboard spells curse word that rhymes with duck

Okay, I pretty much blew the subliminal message. If you still can’t figure it out, I don’t know what to tell you.
The Blaze asks is Calvin Klein sending a secret, vulgar message in its latest ad popping up in New York City? If you look close enough, you might say, “yes.”
This is the ad, erected in Lower Manhattan, that’s causing quite the stir, and not just for the half-naked model seemingly busting out of her undergarments:
Video: Annoyed Tennis Player David Ferrer Launches Ball at Crying Baby during match

I thought tennis was supposed to be the gentile sport?
The Blaze reports a baby was bawling, and Sony Ericsson Open quarterfinalist David Ferrer wasn’t too happy, either.
Trailing in his match and annoyed by the crying, Ferrer directed a forehand lob toward the infant after losing his serve midway through the second set Wednesday.
I guess you find the biggest jerks on the tennis court as well. If I was the kid’s father and the ball hit the baby, there would be one less tennis player in the world.
It’s time for Boehner and the GOPers to show Scott Walker courage, stop fearing govt shutdown!
The time for acting like men is now!
John Boehner needs to grow a pair, get an injection of Scott Walker courage flown in from Wisconsin if necessary. Acting timidly, afraid of imaginary shadows will not get it done for the taxpayers of the United States. If the govt has to be shut down in order to get those real cuts the people expect, so be it.
I don’t wanna see tears, Johnny! Show that you have a backbone instead and millions will support you who love this country!
John Boehner needs to grow a pair, get an injection of Scott Walker courage flown in from Wisconsin if necessary. Acting timidly, afraid of imaginary shadows will not get it done for the taxpayers of the United States. If the govt has to be shut down in order to get those real cuts the people expect, so be it.
I don’t wanna see tears, Johnny! Show that you have a backbone instead and millions will support you who love this country!
Kim Kardashian bikini photo shoot FHM April 2011
Kim Kardashian features in a bikini photo shoot for FHM Australian issue of April 2011. Kim Kardashian was the most Googled celebrity in the year 2010.

Kim Kardashian is an American socialite, television personality, actress, model, and recording artist. She is well known for her E! reality series which she shares with her family, Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

Kardashian has launched multiple fragrances, guest starred on numerous shows, competed on ABC's Dancing with the Stars, and has had roles in movies such as Disaster Movie and Deep in the Valley. In 2010, Kardashian, along with her sisters Kourtney and Khloe, released an autobiography, Kardashian Konfidential, and plan to launch their own fashion line.

Kim Kardashian is an American socialite, television personality, actress, model, and recording artist. She is well known for her E! reality series which she shares with her family, Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

Kardashian has launched multiple fragrances, guest starred on numerous shows, competed on ABC's Dancing with the Stars, and has had roles in movies such as Disaster Movie and Deep in the Valley. In 2010, Kardashian, along with her sisters Kourtney and Khloe, released an autobiography, Kardashian Konfidential, and plan to launch their own fashion line.
Trump: Does Birth Certificate Say Obama Is a Muslim?

The Donald just won’t go away to the consternation of the Obama regime.. However, Trump poses a legitimate question. Why won’t the president just produce the long form birth certificate? I think Trump is on the money when he suspects there’s something on there the president doesn’t want made public and is willing to pay millions in keeping secret.
The issue is not his status anymore.
What is it that’s worth so much money to keep hidden?
Also, Obama has kept his college transcripts sealed too. My suspicion is that he was an average B- student throughout college, maybe worse. That reality wouldn’t jib with the manufactured image of brilliance.
The Blaze reports this is what he really thinks…This is Donald being Donald…I don‘t think it’s as premeditated as some people think it is,” says Roger Stone of Donald Trump’s birtherism. Trump is a possible GOP presidential candidate for 2012. And he wants to know where President Obama’s birth certificate is.
Stone, who appeared with Insider Extreme’s SE Cupp, is the colorful political strategist behind “Stone’s Rules.” He was once described by The Weekly Standard’s Matt Labash as a “political operative, Nixon-era dirty trickster, professional lord of mischief.” And here he is below, speaking about Trump:
Hansika Motwani sizzling hot photos
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Remembering where I was when Reagan got shot 30 years ago today

I was in the Student Union building in Queens College visiting my girlfriend Jackie. I was still a senior in high school and she was about to finisher her first year at college.
We were about to eat a Diplomat Hamburger when I heard the news come over the college radio station that gun shots were fired and Reagan was rushed to the hospital.
My heart sank and instantly lost my appetite!
The weird thing about it was that I looked around the cafeteria and mo one else seemed to notice the news, but me. There were no shrieks or crying. It was as if nothing happened, like any other day with people going about their business.
But, I was in a state of shock with a lump in my throat. Jackie knew how I felt about Reagan and I said to her I gotta go home and watch the news.
I didn’t know if he was alive or dead.
I just prayed.
I just had to get home which meant taking two buses and on the trip nobody else seemed to know that our president had been shot. It was like a Twilight Zone episode where I was the guy who knew something very important and nobody else cared.
That’s what I remember the day Reagan got shot.
Don’t you know oil has to be the “boggie man in Obama’s world?

Oil and the use of it has been the single most valuable commodity responsible for accumulating wealth in the United States.
When you turn on a switch and the lights come on, it’s because oil is used to run the turbines that produces electricity. By products from oil not only result in the gasoline for your car that gets you to work and vacation, it can also be found all over your home from the medicine you take for a headache to the cup your pour coffee in.
Oil is the miracle substance that has raised our standard of living to the highest in the world, and it’s all good.
However, according to President Obama oil is dirty and ugly and needs to be hated by all. He has to deceive the public into thinking that oil can seep into your homes, climbs the stairs and straggle your children if it wasn’t for Barack Obmam standing guard and fighting the oil menace with his soaring oratory.
He has to lie and ignore court orders to impose a needless drilling moratorium to keep us from drilling for more oil in the Gulf, because oil is evil and we need to be protected by Obama the Most Merciful.
He campaigned against the special interests. But, as president Obama doesn’t mind being a whore for environmentalists who love nothing more than America be stripped bare of its wealth. The enviro-haters hate capitalism more than they hate George Bush and Obama is their champion.
Be wary of the mob with the pitchforks led by Obama seeking to kill the oil creature. They’re the real monsters in disguise.
Think well and be free!
Michele Bachmon is right on Libya-We shouldn't be there!
Michele Bachmann has just said on the Today Show that the U.S. does not know who the rebels really are. What's happening in Libya is not of vital interest to the United States.
I've been saying this for the past week that the U.S. shouldn't be invloved in this conflict-period! She's the first pol to be on point on this matter.
I've been saying this for the past week that the U.S. shouldn't be invloved in this conflict-period! She's the first pol to be on point on this matter.
Marco Rubio: Why I Won't Vote to Raise the Debt Limit - WSJ.com

Marco Rubio: Why I Won't Vote to Raise the Debt Limit - WSJ.com: "OPINION MARCH 30, 2011 Why I Won't Vote to Raise the Debt Limit"
Americans have built the single greatest nation in all of human history. But America's exceptionalism was not preordained. Every generation has had to confront and solve serious challenges and, because they did, each has left the next better off. Until now.
Our generation's greatest challenge is an economy that isn't growing, alongside a national debt that is. If we fail to confront this, our children will be the first Americans ever to inherit a country worse off than the one their parents were given.
Current federal policies make it harder for job creators to start and grow businesses. Taxes on individuals are complicated and set to rise in less than two years. Corporate taxes will soon be the highest in the industrialized world. Federal agencies torment job creators with an endless string of rules and regulations.
On top of all this, we have an unsustainable national debt. Leaders of both parties have grown our government for decades by spending money we didn't have. To pay for it, they borrowed $4 billion a day, leaving us with today's $14 trillion debt. Half of that debt is held by foreign investors, mostly China. And there is no plan to stop. In fact, President Obama's latest budget request spends more than $46 trillion over the next decade. Under this plan, public debt will equal 87% of our economy in less than 10 years. This will scare away job creators and lead to higher taxes, higher interest rates and greater inflation.
Betting on America used to be a sure thing, but job creators see the warning signs that our leaders ignore. Even the world's largest bond fund, PIMCO, recently dumped its holdings of U.S. debt.
We're therefore at a defining moment in American history. In a few weeks, we will once again reach our legal limit for borrowing, the so-called debt ceiling. The president and others want to raise this limit. They say it is the mature, responsible thing to do.
In fact, it's nothing more than putting off the tough decisions until after the next election. We cannot afford to continue waiting. This may be our last chance to force Washington to tackle the central economic issue of our time.
"Raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure." So said then-Sen. Obama in 2006, when he voted against raising the debt ceiling by less than $800 billion to a new limit of $8.965 trillion. As America's debt now approaches its current $14.29 trillion limit, we are witnessing leadership failure of epic proportions.
I will vote to defeat an increase in the debt limit unless it is the last one we ever authorize and is accompanied by a plan for fundamental tax reform, an overhaul of our regulatory structure, a cut to discretionary spending, a balanced-budget amendment, and reforms to save Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.
There is still time to accomplish all this. Rep. Dave Camp has already introduced proposals to lower and simplify our tax rates, close loopholes, and make permanent low rates on capital gains and dividends. Even Mr. Obama has endorsed the idea of lowering our corporate tax rate. Sen. Rand Paul, meanwhile, has a bill that would require an up-or-down vote on "major" regulations, those that cost the economy $100 million or more. And the House has already passed a spending plan this year that lowered discretionary spending by $862 billion over 10 years.
Such reductions are important, but nondefense discretionary spending is a mere 19% of the budget. Focusing on this alone would lead to draconian cuts to essential and legitimate programs. To get our debt under control, we must reform and save our entitlement programs.
No changes should be made to Medicare and Social Security for people who are currently in the system, like my mother. But people decades away from retirement, like me, must accept that reforms are necessary if we want Social Security and Medicare to exist at all by the time we are eligible for them.
Finally, instead of simply raising the debt limit, we should reassure job creators by setting a firm statutory cap on our public debt-to-GDP ratio. A comprehensive plan would wind down our debt to sustainable levels of approximately 60% within a decade and no more than half of the economy shortly thereafter. If Congress fails to meet these debt targets, automatic across-the-board spending reductions should be triggered to close the gap. These public debt caps could go in tandem with a Constitutional balanced budget amendment.
Some say we will go into default if we don't increase the debt limit. But if we simply raise it once again, without a real plan to bring spending under control and get our economy growing, America faces the very real danger of a catastrophic economic crisis.
I know that by writing this, I am inviting political attack. When I proposed reforms to Social Security during my campaign, my opponent spent millions on attack ads designed to frighten seniors. But demagoguery is the last refuge of the spineless politician willing to do anything to win the next election.
Whether they admit it or not, everyone in Washington knows how to solve these problems. What is missing is the political will to do it. I ran for the U.S. Senate because I want my children to inherit what I inherited: the greatest nation in human history. It's not too late. The 21st century can also be the American Century. Our people are ready. Now it's time for their leaders to join them.
Mr. Rubio, a Republican, is a U.S. senator from Florida
Amisha Patel looking hot in black bikini - HQ photos
Amisha Patel has done a photo shoot in a black bikini for her designer friend Komal Shahani. (Click on image to enlarge this HQ photo)

Amisha Patel who recently split from boyfriend Kanav Puri in order to resurrect her Bollwood career, will be next seen in the movie Power with Amitabh Bachchan and Anil Kapoor.
She will also be seen in Run Bhola Run with Govinda and Celina Jaitley.

Amisha Patel who recently split from boyfriend Kanav Puri in order to resurrect her Bollwood career, will be next seen in the movie Power with Amitabh Bachchan and Anil Kapoor.
She will also be seen in Run Bhola Run with Govinda and Celina Jaitley.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
USC fratboy and his girl are caught having sex on the roof of Waite Phillips Hall campus building as hundreds of people

I hope these two crazy kids were using their Trojans. This is USC, right?
The Daily Mail reports that an inquiry has been launched after a couple were caught apparently having sex on the rooftop of a USC building - allegedly in front of hundreds of people.

Officials at the university were outraged as photographs of the couple - many of which were too graphic to be shown here - quickly went viral.
The images apparently show the man, who is a student at the university, and a woman cavorting in a variety of sexual positions on top of the school's 12-storey Waite Phillips Hall in Los Angeles on Saturday.
The woman has not been publicly identified but is not believed to be a student at the university, according to officials.
The building is the home of the university's School of Education, and is the second tallest on campus.
Their rendezvous took place in broad daylight - and, according to reports, as a 'philanthropy event' attended by 'hundreds' of other students took place in the quad below.
Instead of enjoying each other's company in the centre of the roof, where they arguably may not have been seen, the couple appear to have chosen to stay near the edge, ensuring they were in plain view.
Reports described their liaison as being of 'prolonged duration'
The couple have not yet been publicly identified but USC's Kappa Sigma branch has admitted that the man in the photographs is a fraternity member. He has been suspended 'for conduct unbecoming of a Kappa Sigma and a gentleman', according to the school newspaper the Daily Trojan.
The fraternity's president, Zach Timm, was quoted as saying: 'While the actions that were taken did involve a member of our chapter we, in no way, support this kind of behavior, nor do we promote any such actions.'
More details here
K-Fed made another baby
Kevin Federline is about to become a 5th time father. Yep, #5 is on the way with the #3 baby-mama. So ideal.
E! News reports K-Fed's girlfriend since late 2008, Victoria Prince, is about 5 months pregnant. This soon-to-be-born boy or girl will become a half-sibling to Federline daughter Kori, 8, and son Kaleb, 6, (with Shar Jackson) and sons Sean Preston, 5, and Jayden James, 4 (with Britney Spears).
In case you didn't realize, Kevin left Shar for Britney while Shar was pregnant with Kaleb, and Britney divorced Kevin shortly after Jayden was born... so if he sticks to his usual routine, he should get at least one more little human out of Victoria before either one of them is done.
E! News reports K-Fed's girlfriend since late 2008, Victoria Prince, is about 5 months pregnant. This soon-to-be-born boy or girl will become a half-sibling to Federline daughter Kori, 8, and son Kaleb, 6, (with Shar Jackson) and sons Sean Preston, 5, and Jayden James, 4 (with Britney Spears).
In case you didn't realize, Kevin left Shar for Britney while Shar was pregnant with Kaleb, and Britney divorced Kevin shortly after Jayden was born... so if he sticks to his usual routine, he should get at least one more little human out of Victoria before either one of them is done.
Jackie Chan is alive!
#RIPJackieChan became a trending topic on Twitter today which got the online world buzzing that he had died but in fact, he was just the latest victim of many celebrity death hoaxes. Anyone who believes something they see on Twitter without any credible news report backing it up first is just naive. What are you, new??
Even so, the actor still felt like he had to defend his aliveness by updating his Facebook status, "Uh hi. I'm alive creepers." --Actually a statement was obviously posted by his people that read, "Jackie is alive and well. He did not suffer a heart attack and die, as was reported on many social networking sites and in online news reports. Jackie is fine and is busy preparing for the filming of his next movie."
WAIT. If he didn't write that on his own wall, how do we know he's really not dead?!-- Is what some people were saying. Because he's Jackie Fucking Chan, okay? You think he'd die of a heart attack? No. He'd drop kick a heart attack in the FACE.
Even so, the actor still felt like he had to defend his aliveness by updating his Facebook status, "Uh hi. I'm alive creepers." --Actually a statement was obviously posted by his people that read, "Jackie is alive and well. He did not suffer a heart attack and die, as was reported on many social networking sites and in online news reports. Jackie is fine and is busy preparing for the filming of his next movie."
WAIT. If he didn't write that on his own wall, how do we know he's really not dead?!-- Is what some people were saying. Because he's Jackie Fucking Chan, okay? You think he'd die of a heart attack? No. He'd drop kick a heart attack in the FACE.
Vanessa Jean-Louis, Blacks being Republicans

I was impressed by this conservative activist, Vanessa Jean-Louis who gave Bill Ayers a hard time about Charter Schools.
In this video she appears on a program discussing among other things, African Americans being in the Republican Party. The dirty little secret Liberals don’t want to acknowledge is the emergence of Barack Obama has caused more African Americans to “come out” as the conservatives they have always been. If this pattern continues it would rock the foundation of the Democrat Party which is losing the narrative among some African Americans who realize nothing is getting better for them even with a Black man in the White House.
~Twinkle Tuesday~
While searching on Art & decoration Magazine, I came across these photos that brought a twinkle to my eye.....so I had to share!So, hope you like them as much as I do.
*** I have been thinking about maybe hosting a craft swap online- I have been thinking maybe jewelry but then not everyone makes Jewelry.....if anyone has any good ideas I would love to hear your thoughts! Thanks
Shocking: Chinese Traffic Cameras Capture Horrific Accidents

I thought Queens Boulevard in New York was bad. This intersection in China makes QB look like a kiddie walk.
The Blaze reports that if you’re watching this video at an office or near others, you might want to warn those around because you will gasp in horror very shortly.
The Chinese government has just released video — as part of a public safety campaign — of what is arguably the craziest (most dangerous?) intersection in the world. It shows footage, taken by traffic cameras, of person after person getting blindsided, t-boned, or hit head on by cars, buses, and trucks going through an intersection in the Shandong province.
According to the site Chinasmack.com, the video has already racked up over 2 million views within 22 hours of being uploaded to the site Youku. That, folks, is what we call viral.
Warning, there are some graphic parts. You might want to put your hand over your mouth in preparation:
Well, the Chinese do have a rep of being horrible drivers. After watching this, can you argue the point?
Obama to Illegal Immigrants: We Want You to Succeed!: I see a voting block!

It’s good to be kind to Latinos when you’re trying to keep your job!
The Blaze reports that when questioned by an illegal alien student today who showed him a deportation letter, President Barack Obama said he did not want to deport illegal alien students like the one who questioned him, he wanted them to succeed.
The exchange came during a town hall event sponsored by the Spanish-language television network Univision at a Washington, D.C., school.
More details here
It’s a good thing to have such a large potential voter pool for the Democrat Party ain’t it? Obama doesn’t care about the illegals. He cares about winning more congressional districts in 2012 to keep his job with Latino votes. The Black vote, which we already know is in the bag, may not be enough to keep Michele planting vegetables in the White House garden.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Breastfeeding doll for young girls goes on sale in the U.S. Parents says its inappropriate

So we go from padded push up bikini tops for 8 year old girls to breast feeding dolls.
Sounds logical to me.
Why not have diapers with fishnet stockings attached? Or, better yet, instead of footie pajamas for toddlers, let go with Teddys and garter belts?
Let’s really go for it when it comes of robbing kids of their childhood.
Daily Mail reports that the toy market is constantly innovating when it comes to baby dolls. But a new product designed to simulate breastfeeding has sparked widespread anger among parents. Makers of The Breast Milk Baby claim that their new doll allows children to experience the 'magic of motherhood'. But parents have spoken out in anger over the toy, which they have slammed as 'totally inappropriate'.
The doll comes with a bib for the child to wear, with pink flowers indicating the nipple area. When held to the breast the doll makes suckling noises, and start crying if it is not burped afterwards.
Consumers took to the internet to express their disgust. A comment on a New York Daily News article read: 'Why would a little girl need to learn how to breast-feed before she has breasts? Before she goes through puberty? This is another disgusting example of forcing adulthood on our children decades before they're ready to absorb it.'
More details here
What’s really amazing is the mindset that comes up with all this. It’s the Liberal Progressives who think this is really cool for children.
When morality becomes relative in society, this is the stupid shit you get.
Lets hear from some experts
Ray Charles' mistress admits stealing his money
This is pure evil.
A woman who was having an affair with Ray Charles starting in 1968 admits she used to secretly steal his money in a new memoir.
After concerts where he was paid in cash, this monster would take his $100 bills and replace them with $1s... According to AceShowBiz, Marci Soto even tries to defend herself writing, "I certainly didn't feel like I was robbing the blind. I felt like he was ready to do something he should have done years earlier, pay off my house."
Really, you didn't feel like you were robbing the blind? Because actually, that's exactly what you were doing. And you really think this guy should have paid off your house?? Bitch, you were both married to other people! Total gold-digging ho.
Not surprising though... supposedly they met after Marci convinced Ray's manager to set them up on a date. They boned that night and kept sexing for years. Decades apparently. In 1997, she even convinced Ray to pay for her legal fees to finally divorce her husband.
Oh and now you're trying to make more money off him with this pathetic book? How about you take your earnings and hand it all to his family while begging for their forgiveness. WOW. Hell has a special place set aside for his broad.
A woman who was having an affair with Ray Charles starting in 1968 admits she used to secretly steal his money in a new memoir.
After concerts where he was paid in cash, this monster would take his $100 bills and replace them with $1s... According to AceShowBiz, Marci Soto even tries to defend herself writing, "I certainly didn't feel like I was robbing the blind. I felt like he was ready to do something he should have done years earlier, pay off my house."
Really, you didn't feel like you were robbing the blind? Because actually, that's exactly what you were doing. And you really think this guy should have paid off your house?? Bitch, you were both married to other people! Total gold-digging ho.
Not surprising though... supposedly they met after Marci convinced Ray's manager to set them up on a date. They boned that night and kept sexing for years. Decades apparently. In 1997, she even convinced Ray to pay for her legal fees to finally divorce her husband.
Oh and now you're trying to make more money off him with this pathetic book? How about you take your earnings and hand it all to his family while begging for their forgiveness. WOW. Hell has a special place set aside for his broad.
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