Thursday, October 7, 2010

Teen Mom's Amber is less fighty now...

Okay, if you've ever watched Teen Mom on MTV, you know the raging disaster that is Amber Portwood.

Amber was one of the girls featured on the first season of 16 & Pregnant which resulted in her being one of four girls on Teen Mom, now in it's second season.  Basically every time she's on camera, she's either physically or verbally abusing her baby's father, Gary Shirley, which usually results in their almost 2-year-old daughter, Leah, screaming and crying.  MTV has even had to air domestic violence PSAs after her segments.  I'm talking slapping, punching, even choking.

So my question is, why the FUCK is this horrible person on TV?  Why does this scrappy trick who got knocked up in high school deserve to be rewarded with fame?  And why are magazines giving her covers and interviews??  This bitch is not WORTHY of anything except a freakin' restraining order/ jail cell.  If the tables were turned and it were her MAN kicking HER ass, you know that's where he'd be.

US Weekly has stooped to a new low with this article on Amber where she's trying to convince anyone who will listen that she's working on the whole 'beating up her baby-daddy' thing...

She says, "A lot has changed. I haven't hit him since that fight." (The fight she's referring to was on the September 28th episode of Teen Mom.) Okay, but you've for sure verbally assaulted him since that fight. (As seen on the October 5th episode where Amber screams at Gary on the phone for not instantly dropping everything he's doing to watch their daughter so she can go on a date with a registered sex offender who just got out of jail.)

Amber says watching herself pounding on Gary on TV has made her think, "When I see myself in that position, it really opens my eyes. I want to stop it, because I don't want to be like that."  Hmmm... well you saw yourself choking him last season and that didn't stop you from attacking him THIS season...

But apparently Amber is now working with a counselor to learn how to "calm down when things happen."  (The things she MAKES happen basically by running her mouth.)  She adds, "We are getting close to finding a solution... If I get mad, I always try to think about Leah and how an [outburst] will affect her."  The poor child has already been affected for sure, MOM.

In the future, Amber plans to teach Leah that "what I've done wasn't right."  OHHH, that'll make it all better.  Good luck with that.  Kids learn by example, not by what you say is right or wrong.

The season 2 finale of Teen Mom is next Tuesday, October 12th.  Hopefully MTV comes to their senses and drops this vicious beast from season 3.

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